Saturday, September 19, 2009

Twitter and Scripture...Scriptter ?

I read recently that an historical society is publishing old diary entries from John Quincy Adams. They realized that he wrote in the brief (less than 144 characters), pithy format necessary for tweets.
I've also been experimenting with Twitter. Initially, I posted a Spiritual topic or concept and linked it to a scripture--but you had to click on the link to see the scripture verse. Then I posted a few actual verses from scripture, adding my insight or reflection at the end.
Then I read one and laughed at myself! (never hurts to do that)
Sometimes there's just no need to add to perfection. No need and no way, in my case.
So now I've just been sifting through many of the highlighted verses of my Bible, the one kept open here on the table. It's amazing how much God says to us in less than 144 characters!
And something else. It's drawn me back to read the un-highlighted verses as well. You can't read and re-read your Bible too often! There is always something to learn, to reflect on, to delight in.
I love the Lord my God, and I'm grateful that he thought to leave his Word for our benefit. Even for a twittering world!

What do you believe?