Saturday, October 25, 2008

Beatles Announce: No more touring !

After the 1966 Candlestick Park concert in San Francisco, the Beatles never toured again.
They said they could be a lot more productive in the studio without the distractions and limitations of traveling.  They couldn't record if they were sitting in limo's and airplanes.
The message to fans like me was that we'd actually get a lot more from them this way. They had to "go away" so that we could get a different part of them back in greater measure. I still held hope that they would return for another big event, but it wasn't to be. In that glorious short time between 1963 and 1966, they had transformed my world of music.
Still, even without their living presence, my daughter, born 20 years later, became an avid fan and follower. To this day she can sing from memory any number of Beatle lyrics -- like millions and millions of others...
Jesus said to his disciples,
"I tell you the truth, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." John 16:7
"The Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." John 16:26
In three short years, Jesus transformed the world's understanding of our relationship with God. His friends and followers desperately wanted him to stay. But he knew that in leaving, even more could be accomplished by the Holy Spirit of God. Even without Jesus' physical presence, and having been born almost 2,000 years later...I know all his words...and I'm looking forward to his return event...the one that he himself has promised.

What do you believe?

Not Sure I can Make it...

My three friends and I started up the steep trails to Half Dome in Yosemite with every intention of getting to the summit. Otherwise, why take on the months of preparation, travel and scheduling - not to mention the grueling day itself. But there was that moment on the steep switchbacks leading up to the final shoulder that I balked.  I looked up the slope and down at the return path and was afraid at the exposure to falling. Until then it had all been about moving forward -- taking the next step, rounding the next bend. But now I could actually see how steep things were and feel the effects of gravity as I leaned sharply into the trail.  I could have gladly been talked into turning back - so close to the end !  So close to victory. Then I heard one of my companion's voice in encouragement -  "come on Tom, its not far now."   I knew it wasn't far, that wasn't the problem - it was actually the closeness and reality that bothered me most. But my friends voice put me back on track. I could do it, and there was strength in that fellowship with my friends. The setting hadn't changed, but my determination had.
When Jesus came to the final days of his ministry he did sense the reality and danger of death, yet he said to his traveling companions:
"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour?' No it was for this very reason I came to this hour."  John 12:27
He'd been called, he'd fulfilled every step of his ministry - and being fully human enough to feel troubled, he still looked at his friends and said it was no time to turn back - since that was the very reason for which he came.

What do you believe?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A or B ? I choose C...

Some people tried to trip Jesus up with what they thought was a tricky question. They posed it in a way where either of two choices would paint him in a corner -- pitting him against one group of believers or another.
Jesus didn't accept their premise or the prefabricated "terms" of choosing one of their answers.
He simply said,
"You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God."
He then explained why even their question betrayed their bias and manipulation - rather than an honest pursuit of Truth.
Read the rest of Matthew, Chapter 22, verses 23 - 33 for the lively, enjoyable exchange.
 We need to be wary of questions posed to us in this a) or b) fashion - even indirectly by our culture, media or politicians.
"Would you rather, a) let a woman choose abortion, or b) punish her life with a baby?"
Neither. Let the baby live and a loving family adopt him or her, or give her the support she needs to love and raise the child herself...helping her to see that neither is a punishment, regardless of how the baby was conceived. 
"Would you rather a) force religious views about Intelligent Design on public school students, or b) allow science-based, religion-neutral facts about evolution to be taught?"
Neither.  Teach both equally as what they are, theories, without injecting any religious overtones at all. Let whatever facts are available for each theory speak for themselves.  And, we'll overlook that evolution itself is more faith-based religion, than scientific fact.
In both of these cases, the questions are posed to intimidate people of faith into thinking they have one of two very manipulatively selected choices.
Jesus didn't buy it, and neither should we.

What do you believe?