Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not Sure I can Make it...

My three friends and I started up the steep trails to Half Dome in Yosemite with every intention of getting to the summit. Otherwise, why take on the months of preparation, travel and scheduling - not to mention the grueling day itself. But there was that moment on the steep switchbacks leading up to the final shoulder that I balked.  I looked up the slope and down at the return path and was afraid at the exposure to falling. Until then it had all been about moving forward -- taking the next step, rounding the next bend. But now I could actually see how steep things were and feel the effects of gravity as I leaned sharply into the trail.  I could have gladly been talked into turning back - so close to the end !  So close to victory. Then I heard one of my companion's voice in encouragement -  "come on Tom, its not far now."   I knew it wasn't far, that wasn't the problem - it was actually the closeness and reality that bothered me most. But my friends voice put me back on track. I could do it, and there was strength in that fellowship with my friends. The setting hadn't changed, but my determination had.
When Jesus came to the final days of his ministry he did sense the reality and danger of death, yet he said to his traveling companions:
"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour?' No it was for this very reason I came to this hour."  John 12:27
He'd been called, he'd fulfilled every step of his ministry - and being fully human enough to feel troubled, he still looked at his friends and said it was no time to turn back - since that was the very reason for which he came.

What do you believe?

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