Sunday, April 06, 2014

Noah - Genesis - Book and Movie

I did go to see the new Noah movie, starting Russell Crowe.

Like most people, I quickly recognized the most obvious fictional component - the three-armed  rock monsters.
My guess is that the screenwriters and producers thought no one would believe that human beings could build such a big ark on their own.  But they would believe three-armed rock monsters.

For the rest of the movie there's an ad-hoc mix of biblical references and Hollywood movie plot creativity.
On balance, it's a pretty entertaining action movie that will mostly disappoint viewers who really like the original book.

Here's an excerpt from a review from by  Sophia Lee

" [Noah movie] reflects a rough understanding of sin as moral wickedness evidenced through rape, murder, pillage, and bad stewardship of the earth, all of which are dominant in Noah’s mankind. But the film fails to capture the more dangerous sins: nuanced, hidden, deceivingly beautiful, flesh-and-ego-pleasing sins that first tempted Eve in the Garden. When Noah finally starts recognizing his own inner wickedness, he descends into a lunatic and irrational state that victimizes his terrified family—revealing a rather biblical truth of what happens to a man who becomes “enlightened” without the promised hope and grace of the gospel."

It did prompt me to go back and flip my bible open to the 6th chapter of Genesis...there's was quite a bit I had not thought of in quite awhile...its worth the read.

What do you believe?