Friday, January 02, 2009

Recalculating Your Position...

We took our new, portable GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) gadget along to help find the restaurant on New Year's Eve.
We typed in the restaurant name and a snazzy, 3D color map started highlighting the fastest route.  The best part - whenever we took a wrong turn or drove past an exit, a friendly (computerized) voice immediately reassured us she was "Recalculating your position." And a few seconds later the map reconfigured our new position and announced the recalculated turns that would get us back on track. No matter how many times you take a wrong turn, the friendly voice will say, "recalculating your position," and then point you in the right direction. And every time, you still have the free choice to ignore the all-knowing little device.
We even took a couple wrong turns on purpose, just to second-guess the recalculated route.
Before long, I absently said out loud, "recalculating your position" to anticipate the device's upcoming correction when I missed a (poorly marked !) roundabout.
You couldn't dream up a better life application for God's Grace.
No matter how many times you take a wrong turn or speed pass the 'right' exit in this life - even when you've chosen what you know in your heart to be a 'wrong turn'  ---- God has gone before you to begin 'recalculating' your route. He is the God of new beginnings.  I don't know what His voice might sound like exactly, but I believe you'd have to add parking lots full of compassion and mercy and understanding to that computerized voice on our GPS to even hint at the real deal of God's forgiveness and renewal. 
Have you made wrong turns (like me) in the past? This week, today?
There's no hiding from the Satellite signal. He knows. You're right there on God's snazzy multi-dimensional map. But more than anything, I believe God wants to guide us along the straight path - if we'll only listen to that voice (our conscience partnered with the Holy Spirit) and glance over at the map (the Bible) to keep from losing our way.

What do you believe?

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