Sunday, April 16, 2006

What Makes Your Worldview Christian?

Having a Christian worldview doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else, but it does define your perspective.

I like to say to my friends..."I'm having trouble seeing your point, I've got this plank in my eye..." That's a reference to Jesus admonition that we should not try to remove the 'splinter' of disagreement from our neighbor's perspective when we might actually have an entire wood plank blocking our own vision of truth. Fair enough - we've got to hear and listen to what people have to say about today's challenging list of hot button topics. And we can't assume we have all the answers--individually.

Still, it's made easier for me when I think, "now I'm going to go and see what the Bible says about that--and what Jesus taught about that." Reading the news, discussing cultural topics with friends and colleagues...I'm doing my best to keep it all in perspective--in a biblical perspective. And I hope to follow those thoughts on this blog.

What do you believe?

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