Saturday, May 13, 2006

Absolute Absolutes

Relativism is taken for granted now. Your "truth" is fine, it's just not my "truth." We used to apply the concept on a more philosophical plane - "well, I can see your perspective...but I don't really agree."
Now, anything is fair game. If you disagree--even on obvious things like children thriving best with a mommy and a daddy--it's just a relative truth.
In fact...many people are absolutely convinced that there are NO absolute truths. None.
So I can't help but see humor in some of the more outrageous claims to diversity of thought, and a radio preacher put it nicely (paraphrasing his comments):
" a guy goes into the bank and writes a withdrawal slip for $5,000. The clerk says, 'well Mr. Smith, you have an account with us, but you only have $500.' Mr. Smith says, 'well, that may be your perspective of the truth, but in my truth, there's really $5,000--and that's what I expect you to give me.'"
So, is one of them "absolutely right?"

Jesus lived, died, rose again--not to condemn or capture anyone, but to free and release us all from abundant blessings now--and for eternity. I'm absolutely sure.

What do you believe?