The ugly red pickup truck has been making me crazy.
Its an unspoken contest among early arrivers at work to claim the 1st parking spot.
It's directly across from the main entrance, just in front of the flag poles.
Honestly, it doesn't affect your walk by more than a few seconds, but it's still the first spot filled on any given morning. You have to arrive before 6 a.m. to even have a shot at it.
Normally I couldn't tell you the brand or color of the car that parked there if my life depended on it.
But the rusty red truck's driver has been regularly backing into the first spot and crossing the yellow line for the 2nd spot as well. That forces everyone to the third spot and puts the old red beater on clear display across two prime spots.
These are very bad parking manners. I might understand it with a shiny new vehicle - but even then a new owner would park in the "back 40" to protect their new paint finish from flung doors and swinging brief cases.
My inside voice sounded something like this:
Day1: "...sloppy parking, you shouldn't back into a spot if you can't line up correctly."
Day2: " rude, somebody should leave a note or something, don't they know they're doing it?"
Day3: "what an idiot - I bet they're doing it on purpose - an in-your-face to the rest of us with nicer cars. Probably a liberal who thinks the world owes them an extra space."
Day4: "I'm going to squeeze my car into the 2nd spot, right up against their door and see how they like it." (I didn't, figured they had nothing to lose by losing some red paint on my nice car)
Day5: "There's no excuse for this. By now they realize what they're doing and just don't care. Total disrespect and selfishness."
And so its progressed with each day I saw that fat red truck hogging those spaces. While I waited for the behavior to change those first few times, I soon gave up and simply believed the worst of them. The driver is ill-mannered and will always be ill-mannered. Leave them to their miserable, selfish existence.
That's when I had an 'aha' moment.
I sensed God smiling at me in a bemused fashion. Not unkindly, or disgustedly.
More like he was sitting in a lawn chair watching the whole scene unfold, and waiting for me to get it.
Its me in that ugly red truck of my own pride and selfishness.
How many times do I carelessly back into life's parking spaces and hog the next one too?
Spend money on an expensive latte and then steer clear of a panhandler.
Indulge myself in weekend sporting events without pre-planning the prime time with my lovely bride.
Skip my morning bible reading because I slept too late and wanted to read the news before work.
It's not that I do these things one time and learn from them. I keep backing into the same parking space and covering up the second one. Over and over again. Rude to those who deserve better from the gifts God has given me. Worst of all, rude to my Creator.
Yet there He was, smiling at me. Loving me. Willing to forgive me.
Even as I walked past the stupid red truck and yet again castigated the driver for their repetitive character flaw. The driver who could well be my neighbor. Could well be me.
Lord God, please forgive me for my sins. Please don't give up on me.
Please bless me with the Grace to forgive others and for us all to realize how much we need you.
I ask this in Jesus' Holy name, Amen.
What do you believe?