We just saw The Case for Christ, a movie based on the book of the same name by Lee Strobel.
It deals directly with key points that Lee himself wanted to use to disprove any possible foundation in truth or facts for Christianity. His hypothesis was: if you prove that the entire Jesus narrative lacks truth, then Christ himself is a myth.
Eventually, his obsessive search for facts turned up nothing to dispute the historical existence of Jesus in Jerusalem during the Roman rule of Pontius Pilot. Despite his very public death on a cross, first-hand accounts exist of Jesus' resurrected appearance after three days in the tomb, to hundreds of people. And there is much more of course, see the movie! The movie stops short of making broad claims about God, theology or other spiritual hot buttons - but the "case" made for Christ is earnest and compelling if you're willing to watch and listen. Glad we did!
Not everyone is interested in these questions of Christ, of course. Most people get more tangled up in the God-or-no-God debate - or the "isn't your god the same as their god" race to indifference.
But for people who at least acknowledge Christianity as a spiritual concept to consider, I've encountered four main reasons for their decided choice to reject a "case for Christ."
They are:
1. Uniformed or misled: Most people who dismiss Christianity out of hand have simply not done their homework or have been raised with a false narrative. They have been told or assume that Christians are ...haters...judgmental...hypocritical...delusional...apostate..
They have not had or taken the opportunity to behold forgiveness, mercy, Grace, love and eternal life in Jesus. Christianity rapidly flourishes in parts of the world where these basic elements of Christianity are finally revealed and understood. And that is why some cultures try so brutally to suppress it (including the USA). Matthew 22:29
2. Proud: Many people understand and believe the historicity of Jesus. But they stumble on the part where we must acknowledge our own sin and turn from it with God's help. It takes humility to admit that we cannot achieve "goodness" on our own - and that God alone is Holy. Christians humbly acknowledge God for His mercy and forgiveness, because we - none of us - are worthy without Him. That is why Jesus died on the cross. James 4:6
3. Decided Rebellion: I actually know people who say..."I'm going to hell anyway...so I might as well enjoy it while I can...." or some version of that. Some want to bypass or oppose God with an alternative spirituality...It's not always as blatant as WICCAN or Satanic worshippers. Anyone who says, "Well, I'm aware of Christianity, but I have developed my own personal spirituality that doesn't fit with the bible or an organized church." These are often reasonable, sincere people who have in fact created their own religion in direct opposition to God. Psalm 68:6
4. Disinterested or In Denial: "I really don't care." "It will all sort itself out in the end." "I'd like to believe that, on balance, I'm a good person and God will know that," "You live, you die and that's it." I encounter many people who have run into at least one of life's huge challenges...sickness, addiction, loneliness, boredom...and they then start to get interested in Jesus. "What happens when you die?" is often the leading indicator of someone who has previously been disinterested or in denial of God's plan. Romans 1:16
Jesus himself acknowledged the diversity of disbelief when he told the parable of the sower. You can read his words in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 8.
I'll continue to "make a case for Christ" with anyone who is curious, searching, or struggling. The ways of our world seem so amazingly daunting and confusing - but the message of Jesus is so simple.
"Repent, and believe the Good News." Mark 1:15
What do you believe?