Much of the basilica worship experience is what you would expect at a cathedral of this import.
The organ music is superb. The cantor and choir voices are angelic. The visual backdrop of marble and mosaic majestically transcends the bland, carpeted super-churches of suburban sprawl. All in attendance were worshipful and respectful (except maybe those two restless gradeschoolers in the pew behind us...).
On another level I was disappointed. While the preacher at our mid-morning service had a very calm, soothing voice, I heard no passion for the gospel. No energy. No enthusiasm. He sounded like the guy I'd want trying to resolve a contract dispute. Smart, well studied, non-aggressive.
I'm a little embarrassed to share the next image that crept to mind, but it's true.
A sister in law has one of these new hybrid dogs. Part golden retriever and part poodle. Golden Doodle, they call him. Very, very sweet companion. Calm, quiet, even tempered. He pads into the room, doesn't jump on you and never barks. As a matter of fact, he is so bland, that after a few minutes you wonder what his role could be with the family. Almost like a rented pet. No evident basis for commitment on either side. Neither hot nor cold. Of course that's not a fair assessment to make in such a short visit to another church, and I repented.
As we departed the basilica we walked over to the huge creche scene. It's rough hewn wood beams occupy several steps of the side altar and the figures are probably half scale. We marveled at the wonderful expressions carved uniquely into each face. Mary's joy. Joseph's relief. The shepherd boy's reverence. A little village girl's delight. All eyes on the baby Jesus. And each one - in their wordless, lifeless form - exuded the stupendous miracle of God's incarnation and redemption. More than humans had this morning.
Jesus deserves better from us than passive Gospel Golden Doodles. Even an artist's masterpiece - no matter its divine inspiration - cannot fully embody our personal testimony of God's love.
"When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told." Luke 2:17-20
What do you believe?