Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is There a Prayer of Salvation?

Thousands of people respond and inquire to the Billy Graham web site each week ( I volunteer and help people with their questions on spiritual matters. 

The inquirers have diverse spiritual (or non-spiritual) and cultural backgrounds. Some people have basic moral questions about sin. Others are curious about Jesus. Their questions range from "Is there a God?" to "How can I have a personal relationship with God?"

For many people who have given sincere thought and consideration, they choose to place their personal faith in Jesus. In years past, I've assisted new believers with this while standing on a mega-football stadium field - while Billy Graham gently led them in prayer from the stage podium. Then Franklin Graham began the internet outreach ministry in 2012, and now these digital inquiries are the "virtual" stadium field, 24x7. 

One recurring inquiry has been..."where is this prayer in the Bible?" Or, how can the "right" words make any supernatural change in a person's life?  The answers are easy - it's not written in the Bible and words don't change a person's spiritual condition. 

Here is how I explain in more depth to these inquirers - the background of what leads to a simple prayer, offered to God with a sincere faith....

There are Bible verses you can find online or in your personal Bible,
In the Gospel of Mark 1:15 Jesus said,   "Repent, and believe the Good News”    And James 5:16, to confess our sins as well.  1John1:9 explains God's mercy and response.

A personal prayer based on these Bible concepts would include repentance, saying "I'm sorry for my sins."   And John 3:16 - 3:17 explains what Jesus did for us on the cross and why; "God sent his Son so that all who believe on Him might not perish but have everlasting life."

A personal prayer could acknowledge that as true, as understanding that Jesus’ death on the cross is redemptive - He died for our sins.

And Ephesians 2:8-9 explains that we are saved by Grace through faith (not "earned" by works as some believe), and John 1:12 that in receiving Christ we become children of God;  

We are then new creations in Christ as stated in 2Corinthians 5:17

With that, a personal prayer could affirm biblical faith in Jesus,  and acknowledge receiving God into their life.

And Romans 10:9-13 says that we should do this publicly at some point, "with the heart man believes and with the mouth confesses."  Public declaration.
All this can be said in a person's own words...the specific prayer is not "written" down, but the words offered in the printed example to new believers helps them understand. And then discipleship will continue at their local church, including baptism - Christian growth doesn't stop with a prayer. Otherwise it's not a relationship with God, it's a one-time event.

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Please guide my life and help me to do your will. I ask this in Jesus name, amen." Or use your own words as you express your faith in Jesus.

Hopefully, you can see how these Biblical threads connect in this sample starter prayer we provide, or variations of it. I've stood on the stadium field with new believers, and exchanged digital messages immediately after they profess this in their own words....a change here, a stumble there. 

But as they respond with the peace of God and the Light of the Holy Spirit afterwards, it's made clear that there's more going on besides the wording of a prayer. Eternal life in Jesus.   Ephesians 1:13 is comforting in this regard. And I close my message to an inquirer with,

Please do write again if you have questions about the ministry or spiritual matters. God loves you!

What do you believe?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Crete and Titus - Complete the Work

Sometime after his third missionary journey,  c. 67 the Apostle Paul wrote to give Titus a missionary task.

"The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you." Titus 1:5

I don't know about you, but when I get instructions from my boss at work, I don't honestly think in terms of 10 years, let alone 2,000. And yet, when we visited the island of Crete this summer, there was lasting evidence that Titus followed through with diligence.

In the port of city of Heraklion, this beautiful church is a few blocks up from the shore of the Aegean Sea. We arrived just after Sunday services and this father lingered with his young son, echoing Titus 2:6-8

"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousnessand soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us."

So strong was the imprint of Titus' leadership that the Christian community on Crete survived not only time, but centuries of occupation and disruption by the Venetians and Turks before again joining Greece. 

11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Some of Titus' remains are still kept in this small chapel of the church in Heraklion. It is a rather humble room compared to Europe's grand basilicas and even his mentor Paul's tomb in Rome. I enjoyed this moment and took my photo, pausing for church goers who came in to touch the reliquary and icon with respect for the hometown ancestor of Crete's Christian community. Paul himself had fondly prefaced his instructions to Titus:  

"To Titus, my true son in our common faith: 
Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. "

As our ship departed Crete, I watched until I could no longer see it on the horizon. So amazing to me how these early pioneers of our faith navigated nations, seas and souls.

Titus 3:4

"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."

What do you believe?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Athens - Acropolis - The Apostle Paul - History

My view of Mars Hill from the Acropolis - Athens 
I was racing the clock a little bit in Athens this past June.

Our tour group had gamely trudged their way  up to the top of Acropolis hill.  There, in the blazing 100 degree heat, we wandered ancient ruins alongside glimmering shadows of the Parthenon's magnificent columns. Our cameras took in the city of Athens below, and on out to the Aegean Sea.

I had my heart set on something a little further down the steep slope - Mars Hill of the ancient Areopagus (Marketplace). But our tour guide cautioned me in her thick Greek accent, "I don't think we'll have time for Mars Hill today, it is so hot. And besides, we walk down a different way."   That didn't sound like a firm "no" to me!

It's well documented that the Apostle Paul visited and preached from Mars Hill of the Areopagus   around 51 A.D.  That the massive granite and surrounding ruins of the marketplace exist has never been questioned. The secular government has even posted one of those "historical markers" next to it, acknowledging Paul's visit to their locality in the first century.  

In the Book of Acts from the Bible, Luke recalls the scene, Chapter 17

"21 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.  22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god."

It's remarkable how far Paul and his group had traveled to reach Athens. Just look on a map and trace the eastern edge of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. From Israel through modern day Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and back down from northern Greece. Antioch, Tarsus, Philipi, Thessalonica...

He didn't just rush through as we did on our  week-long jaunt across Greece. Paul would stay for months at a time, getting to know the people - and fairly earning the right to speak in such a prominent place.

"So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. " Acts 17:17

When the time came to descend the Acropolis' steep embankment our hired guide gave me a bemused look and said, "Come, follow me. We will go this way."  That is the photo you see up above. Mars Hill as we threaded our way down.  "Now listen to me," she said quietly, with a hand covering the wireless tour guide microphone. "When we get to the bottom, everyone will turn left to go back to the buses, do you understand? Because once you get to the bus, you will no longer be able to walk back to see the Aeropagus. Left to the bus, do you understand?"     I did. She turned left and I turned right when we got to the bottom of the hill. Then I jogged along the path until I got to the base of Mars Hill.  

Two minutes later I had scrambled up the path and was catching my breath on the slippery granite, handsomely polished by the Apostle Paul's sandals and 2,000 years of wind and rain. As I slowly took in the panorama, tears welled up and I had one of those rare travel moments when you realize it's more than you could have ever imagined. Because up there on the hill, exactly where Paul would have gazed with his audience, was the Acropolis, perhaps one of the most famously celebrated views of ancient history. And now his words made so much more sense. And the Bible rings even more true for me. I quietly recited the verse and swiped at my eyes so I could take the photo below,

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else." Acts 17

Paul had spent time getting to know his host city, they'd asked him to share his ideas, and he spoke to them in words and imagery they would understand. I can't help but be inspired to do the same.

What do you believe?

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Spiritual Hypoxia of Airline Oxygen Masks

We logged a lot of airline miles this year. Seattle, New York, Frankfurt, Rome, Athens, Zurich...

Every airline gave us the same pre-flight instructions about the little yellow oxygen masks:If the airplane cabin depressurizes at high altitude, the oxygen masks will automatically drop down.What do you do first?

"Put your own oxygen mask on before helping your children or those around you."

This has always sounded counter-intuitive to me, because as a dad, I would naturally worry about my daughter or wife first. Other people with kind hearts would think to help the stranger next to them before helping themselves.

"Put your own oxygen mask on before helping your children or those around you."

There's a reason for this. Oxygen deprivation to your brain - hypoxia - leads to confusion. It happens so fast that you can quickly lose your ability to think clearly, to use your fine motor skills. You might actually cause more harm than good as you fumble to adjust someone else's oxygen mask in your depleted state. 

I gave this more thought than usual when we flew with our grandson this summer.

If the cabin lost pressure and I floundered trying to help the grandson, I'd be relying on other passengers to make sure he got his oxygen. I trusted my wife and my daughter as immediate backup in our row, but there were some pretty sketchy characters occupying the seats in front of, and behind us. I didn't want to rely on them helping my grandson if we lost pressure.  My plan of action was simple. Be prepared (alert to danger), be in a position to help (stay oxygenated), make sure he's safe (eyes on the kid). See who else we can help.

Consider our current society and culture - the cabin has rapidly depressurized and spiritual levels are plummeting. There's a readily accessible source of eternal life support within reach of every person - all are able to breath in the truth of the Gospel.

But a spiritual hypoxia has already settled over us. It's like watching the slow motion scene of an airplane disaster movie unfold. All through the plane, people are hesitating in the seconds that matter. There are parents with children next to them who are not reaching for the truth themselves and they aren't turning to help their kids, either. "They'll figure it out for themselves, I don't want to force them."

As chaos escalates in the cabin, kids - young adults - adults - grow more worried and disoriented. They sense disorder and look expectantly for someone with perspective and direction. Passengers from the next row step right over the hesitant parents to provide calming reassurance. "Don't worry, you're going to be fine. You don't need that oxygen mask, that's just for the weak minded people. You'll be stronger and more independent without it."

Over in the next row, a like-minded group has convinced several passengers who'd already donned a the yellow mask and are breathing take it off. "You don't want to appear as though you're judging the other passengers, do you?"  

In the context of all human history, it seems like this entire, disturbing scene has taken place in a manner of seconds.  But it's been many decades in the making. And the hypoxic confusion of our generation is, quite literally, breathtaking.

Each person yearns to find answers to questions they have about God.  About spiritual love, about eternal souls.  We need to be better informed and ready with confident answers. If we aren't effectively helping this generation draw near the Gospel, nor resolving our own confused theology - then it will be people from other rows of spirituality or philosophy that influence and direct those who remain.

Job 33:4"The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

What do you believe?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Peace and Love, Ringo, Peace and Love!

Ladies and gentleman....Ringo Starr!

"What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me?"

Not a chance. We stood and cheered and sang along with Ringo for the better part of two hours at a recent concert.  Admittedly, it was a huge thrill for me. Ringo and the Beatles were a major part of my musical upbringing in the 60's. I still tell people at church that I'm most comfortable singing "Beatle harmonies" (the least complicated thirds and fifths).

Besides the great music, there was one thing in full and constant display with Ringo. The two finger, V-shaped "peace sign!"  One hand, both hands. During songs, after songs. Stage left, stage right.

"Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"  Ringo waved and mugged for photos and we all cheered.  Even song lyrics written since his days with the Beatles featured encouragement to "choose love!"

Ringo's message is crystal clear. For anyone not keeping up with me:
"Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"

And it seems to agree with the 79 year old from Liverpool. He's trim, fit, charismatic, effervescent, in good humor. Obviously enjoys his bandmates and the audience. The guy seems to emanate peace and love. He seems to thrive on peace and love. And echoing in my head ever since the concert, whenever I see a photo of Ringo in the news or play one of his albums - I can clearly hear him guessed it, "Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"

That is how I would like to share the Good News of Jesus. God loves you! Jesus loves you!

It's how I wish people would see me - and you - emanating God's love. Thriving on God's love. Living the light of Jesus. Enjoying our audience of spiritual inquirers.  Charismatic, effervescent in the Holy Spirit.  God loves you! The peace of Christ that is beyond understanding -- not just as Ringo (the world) gives it, but as only God can.    Peace and love!  We could even write songs about it.

What is Ringo doing that is so right?  He's winsome, happy and sincere.  His message is simple, memorable and endlessly repeated. And it accompanies a delightful shared experience of his signature music and personality - repeated over 50+ years.  Has he transformed the world? In some musical and cultural ways perhaps.  Can he reconcile people supernaturally to God?  Of course not - but he doesn't claim to.

Maybe that's where we need to step in. "Jesus loves you, everybody, Jesus loves you!"  Start telling people now, share your sincere joy and peace. Keep it simple, memorable and I do believe you can make a difference over the next 50 years. - with a little help from your friends (in high places).

What do you believe?

The Wrong Rental Car

Not long ago,  I had a business meeting in Minneapolis, which is about a 6 hour, very picturesque drive from our town. Airfare was more expensive and it would have taken 5 - 6 hours of my time to get to the airport, park, go through airport security, fly and then arrange transport to the meeting location once I landed in Minneapolis. So instead, I rented a car.

The rental car agency has a remote office at a local hotel, not far from where I live. I called ahead and the agency let me know I could pick up the keys in their office at the hotel. My wife dropped me off at the entrance and I rolled my small suitcase along two carpeted corridors before finding the tiny rental office. The cheerful agent handed me an envelope with the keys and said, "It's the blue mid-size in our parking lot right outside, you can't miss it," and she jerked the thumb of her hand in a left-ish pointing motion.

Less than a minute later I shouldered my way out the side door and onto the sidewalk facing the parking lot.  Spotting the blue mid-size just a few feet away, I eased my suitcase into the back seat. Slide my backpack over to the front passenger side and set my phone in the cup holder in one fluid motion. Seasoned traveler, ready to roll!  I put one foot on the brake pedal and pressed the car's "start" button. Nothing.

Try again?  Nothing.
Car is in park? Check.  Gas tank full, check. What's the problem?

That's when I looked out the front window at the other blue mid-size car just across the lot. Any chance that....yup. The license plate on that car matched the license number written on my key. I'm in the wrong car!

Not only the wrong car, but this wasn't even a rental car! I was sitting in somebody's personal ride. Very embarrassed, I yanked my backpack and suitcase and strode over to the "correct" sedan, repeated the process and drove off. Smiling once again as I sped toward the freeway on ramp, I decided to call my wife and tell her my story, phone. It was still in the cup holder of the other car!  Fortunately, it was still there a few tense minutes later as I hoped against hope the owner would not come out and accuse me of stealing something!

So many lessons learned and so many life applications came to mind as I drove away. Again.

  1. Make sure you match the key to the license plate and don't just slide into a similar looking sedan.   Our culture is offering up a lot of alternate forms of spirituality and worship these days.  They may "look" the same and seem ready to drive - but the spiritual "engine" is a non-starter.  Check for Biblical truth, core belief in Jesus as Savior, Son of God and Him crucified. The one name under heaven by which we can be saved, Acts 4:12.  To whom every knee will bend and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, Philippians 2:9-11
  2. You may just have to get out of the wrong car, pick up your stuff (your family, your friendships) and walk across the parking lot - in full view of everyone - acknowledging your mistake. It's ok. I've done the same thing!   
  3. You could reach out and help someone else who might be confused - call back the people who sent you out with weak instructions in the first place. Help them to see that there are other cars out there - maybe counsel them to tell others..."be sure you match the keys to the license plate!"  Doesn't everybody?  No, they don't, and we're partly to blame for not making it clear - with love, patience and respect, who Jesus is, and who He is not.  Don't jump into the first blue sedan you see!   Believe me, I've learned my lesson!
What do you believe?