Sunday, September 22, 2019

Peace and Love, Ringo, Peace and Love!

Ladies and gentleman....Ringo Starr!

"What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me?"

Not a chance. We stood and cheered and sang along with Ringo for the better part of two hours at a recent concert.  Admittedly, it was a huge thrill for me. Ringo and the Beatles were a major part of my musical upbringing in the 60's. I still tell people at church that I'm most comfortable singing "Beatle harmonies" (the least complicated thirds and fifths).

Besides the great music, there was one thing in full and constant display with Ringo. The two finger, V-shaped "peace sign!"  One hand, both hands. During songs, after songs. Stage left, stage right.

"Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"  Ringo waved and mugged for photos and we all cheered.  Even song lyrics written since his days with the Beatles featured encouragement to "choose love!"

Ringo's message is crystal clear. For anyone not keeping up with me:
"Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"

And it seems to agree with the 79 year old from Liverpool. He's trim, fit, charismatic, effervescent, in good humor. Obviously enjoys his bandmates and the audience. The guy seems to emanate peace and love. He seems to thrive on peace and love. And echoing in my head ever since the concert, whenever I see a photo of Ringo in the news or play one of his albums - I can clearly hear him guessed it, "Peace and love, everybody, peace and love!"

That is how I would like to share the Good News of Jesus. God loves you! Jesus loves you!

It's how I wish people would see me - and you - emanating God's love. Thriving on God's love. Living the light of Jesus. Enjoying our audience of spiritual inquirers.  Charismatic, effervescent in the Holy Spirit.  God loves you! The peace of Christ that is beyond understanding -- not just as Ringo (the world) gives it, but as only God can.    Peace and love!  We could even write songs about it.

What is Ringo doing that is so right?  He's winsome, happy and sincere.  His message is simple, memorable and endlessly repeated. And it accompanies a delightful shared experience of his signature music and personality - repeated over 50+ years.  Has he transformed the world? In some musical and cultural ways perhaps.  Can he reconcile people supernaturally to God?  Of course not - but he doesn't claim to.

Maybe that's where we need to step in. "Jesus loves you, everybody, Jesus loves you!"  Start telling people now, share your sincere joy and peace. Keep it simple, memorable and I do believe you can make a difference over the next 50 years. - with a little help from your friends (in high places).

What do you believe?

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