Thursday, April 03, 2014

Career Advice - God is my #1 Referral Source

One of my young business friends was talking to me about looking ahead for his next career move.
How best to narrow down options and choose the best job direction - at least when the economy and circumstances allow for choices!

I looked back on how my own work life has progressed across 3+ decades - for which I am very grateful and aware of God's blessings.
I started to write a few notes about the intentional prayers I had offered to God - and then realized that there has been quite an extensive running dialog with Him on this topic. God has blessed and never failed, including times when I was sadly out of work.
Here is what I recalled for my young friend:

Lord, I pray...

  • That you grant me a humble heart that is open to your perfect will.
  • That you cultivate spiritual depth and growth in my relationship with you, that I might recognize your Holy Spirit of insight as it transcends my own.
  • That you lead me to the best possible future, for our entire family, not only this generation, but all generations to come until you return...for eternal purposes that are beyond what I can know.
  • For divine appointments, every day, in every situation, to be met with wisdom and discernment, that I might not hinder or block what you make possible. For restraint when my impulses or reactions could disrupt what is the better path. For a straight path to your ways...without detours that I create. For Holy Spirit course corrections when I have done so.
  • For divine patience and a Spirit of peace to wait as you lead and align, but also a Holy Spirit of appropriate action and sense of urgency when you have provided the opportunity.
  • For forgiveness when I put myself first, or willingly ignore what I know to be Godly influence or guidance.
  • For Godly confidence and assurance to keep career in its proper perspective, never to be daunted or in doubt about what You can accomplish without the help of men.
  • For a lifetime of Godly people and circumstances in my path offering help, accountability, encouragement, example, protection, nurturing.
  • For specific, tangible insights that help with decisions and choices. Especially those that diverge from what I believed most evident or assured. For a recognizable, Holy Spirit sense of affirmation in all matters that transcends the ‘milestone’ situational needs.
  • For a Holy Spirit continuum of what is our marriage, our family, our work, our outreach, our friendships...that they are Spiritually one with you and your purpose in our lives - to the point that we more readily see and understand what directions or choices are of you, and of what we are with you.
  • Philippians 2:3 - That I do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.
All this I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

What do you believe?