The doors were juuuust about closed and I figured we'd wait for the next elevator.
But whereas I skidded to a halt (discretion being the better part of valor), my co-worker fearlessly shoved his hand and wrist through the rapidly disappearing slit of light between the heavy doors.
Thankfully, the safety mechanism detected the intrusion and the doors slid opened again.
I was about to say the obvious, "taking a big chance with your arm there, weren't you fella?" But instead I mused, "interesting, how convinced we are that technology won't fail us."
I'm not so sure that people would have thrown their good arms into the early Elisha Otis elevators of the 1800's. But during the course of my lifetime, with thousands of elevator rides under my belt, I really do expect an elevator door to trigger it's safety mechanism when a body part breaks the invisible beam.
It's not that different with God. I've skidded to a stop in front of many situations where I thought I should put my hand through the doors and walk over the threshold...volunteer for a charity project...offer to pray for a sick co-worker...speak up to defend or explain the Gospel...put aside my pride to ask for forgiveness...[add your own here].
I look at those doors closing and the light disappearing between them as I drag my feet. Doors of doubt and insecurity. Then, sometimes, it's as if somebody else comes and shoves their hand through the door for me -- when I'm too hesitant, or afraid. And the doors noiselessly slide back open up again. All I have to do is walk through and get to work, with an assurance that I'm not alone.
Sometimes the hard part is just remembering that God won't fail me. He's never closed the door on me yet.
What do you believe?