They were careful to say that they would not be involved in the primary harvest of the stem cells - someone else would kill the embryo - they would only use the resulting cell lines. And, they were careful to leave the door open for the future; should national guidelines change, they would change. In March of this year, the Obama administration OK'd federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Within months, this same corporation, still consistent with the guidelines they'd established in 2005, also evolved their business model to join a commercial venture potentially selling tissue developed from these approved stem cells. They would not sell the stem cells, they reminded in the press release, only helpful tissues (liver tissue for example) created from those stem cells - which again, were originally created by scientifically stopping the life process of a developing human.
Now, the Obama administration is hopeful to change the federal stem cell guidelines to add more "lines" from more...embryos.
The corporation - their name doesn't matter, because we're all complicit in this; we're all allowing it to happen, and I'm still a stockholder, and both Republian/Democratic administrations allowed stem cell lines - the corporation was careful to affirm that they conduct their research in a scientific and ethically sound fashion. In fact, this same company prides itself in setting an internal tone for personal ethics and integrity in the workplace. They are widely and consistently recognized for playing by the rules.
But cleverly worded guidelines and one-step-removed policies don't change facts.
When King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, it was convenient to do away with her husband, Uriah. But David cleverly stayed one step removed:
"Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die." 2Samuel 11:14
Then David's friend Nathan "called him" on it, not accepting the obsfucation:
"You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites," Nathan clarified for David. 2Samuel 12:9
As surely as he had swung the sword himself.
Adult stem cells have now proven to have more promise than embryonic stem cells - integrity requires that we openly explain and act upon that difference.
David's stock went down after his indiscretion - so did the corporation's - so has our culture. But David repented, and the wisdom of Solomon, his son, followed.
What do you believe?