Saturday, November 15, 2008

First, Stop the Graffiti

I heard once that New York City law enforcement - and their famous mayor - dug in on successful crime reform by addressing rampant, unchecked, city-wide graffiti.  They determined that it bred an overall sense of disrespect in their community. Whether that in itself made a difference, I have no idea - but I do know that my visits to New York City in recent years have been pleasant, I felt reasonably safe, and I didn't see a whole lot of graffiti.
When I finally started reading the Bible - really reading it - I saw a whole lot of room for improvement in my life. Believe me, I had many choices of where to dig in and start! Just read Chapters 5 - 7 in the Gospel of Matthew.
But one theme of "graffiti" that really connected with me was telling the truth. Not lying. It had become incredibly easy for me in those first 28 years to lie for convenience.  "Can't attend because I'm sick,"  "Just tell them I'm not here,"  "I didn't do that,"  "I didn't say that."  
The graffiti was so pervasive - that I no longer saw some of it.  Even my dear wife had been pulled into a couple of my - seemingly harmless - lies of convenience, and she resented having to cover, by lying herself. It had bred disrespect in our community. I really didn't see the harm...until I stopped.  At one point I just declared, "I don't lie."  And God helped to convict and open my eyes from that point on. Of course, things were actually easier when I didn't lie. People respected my honesty, I got caught in fewer convoluted traps of past graffiti.
But the most important object lesson for me was not wringing my hands over what to do.  "I don't lie." So, the course of action was clear - it was liberating!  And I was able to say to our young toddler, with conviction - "honey, we don't lie."  Now, with her as an adult, we will check each other and examine the truth of our actions, as well as words and advise, "as long as it's true."
Look, Christianity is humility. We're not better  than anyone else because we declare our belief in God - we're more aware of where God's ways are better ways. And I believe His Holy Spirit has helped and encouraged me to see so many areas where I can grow to be more like His Son, Jesus. I started with the graffiti. He's still working with me.

What do you believe?

Fix the Foundation

We kept getting these cracks in the drywall at our last house - and they taught me a lot.
 After endlessly patching and painting them, I also realized that certain doors were sticking, then some windows. I'd fix one problem, and another would pop up.  It all led to the foundation of our house, which was literally slipping down our very steep hill on the side of a beautifully wooded ravine.
Turns out that the builder did not fully follow established codes. So we paid to have enormous amounts of concrete and rebar added to stem the tide and a certified engineer determined that it was back to acceptable code. Just because we had purchased a house that looked ok on the outside, hadn't meant that it was built to code...and time revealed that, one crack at a time.
God has made it easy for us by providing a written code - His inspired and revealed Word in the Holy Bible. This is the foundation. I spent the first 28 years of my life constantly applying patches and paint to my life. My moral code was almost comically spackled with contradiction and hypocrisy. Then I read the Gospels. Then I immersed myself in Paul's letters. Then I joined a Bible study...
I had finally realized that I couldn't simply "reason" and intellectualize my way through right and wrong. There was God's foundation, or there was the world's hardware store full of self-help books, philosophies and disciplines. Some look good for awhile, but time reveals them. Or, you can learn their flaws by examining the code upon which they were built.
I still need a repair every now and then, when cracks appear in my life - but I've got a supernatural contractor to work with - and I am assured that there's no longer a problem with the foundation.

What do you believe?