Saturday, October 27, 2012

Andree Sue and

I enjoy much of Andree Sue Peterson's writing for
She is one of those gifted writers who seems to effortlessly turn excellent prose with Godly insights.

Her recent post titled Key Turning Point got my attention. An unknown assailant damaged her car. An excerpt:

"The keyer of my car (Is that a proper noun?) “never will speak word” to me about his rationale—which is perhaps a delightful collateral bonus for him, a milking it twice. Or perhaps he even forgot he did the deed five minutes later. Emperor Caligula once had a few seats of spectators at the arena thrown into the tiger’s pit because there were not enough condemned criminals and he was bored. 
“In the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, … ungrateful, unholy, heartless, … without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, … lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1-4). 
Keying is a very little thing that tells a lot. It is the silver serving trolley that rolls a couple of feet, unnoticed, on the Titanic. It is the old collie looking up from his nap a half hour before the tornado. It is the dead canary warning miners there is methane in the shaft. It shows, ahead of the pundits and philosophers, that civilization has taken a decisive turn."
What a spot-on insight concerning our culture. So many of the things we shake our heads at today--thoughtless selfish behavior, refusal to take personal responsibility--they are not just disturbing. They are early warnings of what has yet to manifest itself.
Sharing the Gospel is an eternal gift to the single lost lamb who hears and believes. It is also a gift to everyone who then shares community with that Holy Spirit-empowered person.  Changed lives in Jesus bring with them God's love, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, compassion. Not senseless destruction. 
Help protect Andree Sue Peterson's car...share the Good News of Jesus.
What do you believe?

Paying for the Empty Lot

We were driving back from a family funeral last month and I heard an interesting insight on a local pastor's radio show.  (sorry, we were out of signal range before hearing the name of the pastor!)
He made this simple observation:
There is construction going on in his town to build condo's on a vacant lot.
People who want to live there have already entered into contracts and put money down to "hold" their position.
He explained to the radio listeners that there is nothing there yet. It is a vacant lot. Maybe it has a great view or a prime location. But it takes a lot of faith to make such a financial commitment to something that doesn't exist.

He...and we... run into people all the time who can't get past the fact that God and heaven are "invisible."  Heaven is a vacant lot.  God is the unmet project owner.
What compelling confidence do we have to express a downpayment of faith and trust in God?
On the other hand, the upside is huge. Talk about a room with a view !   And an eternity with no condo fees.  Plus, there are many immediate returns...blessings, peace, and guiding wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

People are naturally suspicious of deals that are "too good to be true."  Grace must somehow seem like that.
But it's the real deal. I'm all in.  Totally invested and trusting my eternal life in the name of Jesus.

Learn more about the compelling reasons at

What do you believe?

7 Word Message to God

I had just crested a hill on a lonely country farm road in Ohio, going about 50 miles an hour.
The two cars ahead of me suddenly stopped.
One had their blinker on, waiting to turn left, and the one immediately in front of me had to wait. There wasn't enough room for us to squeeze around on the right.
I was in a hurry, but you had to smile at the irony - a country road in the middle of Ohio farm country and I'm stuck in a traffic jam!
Just then, I looked up in my rear view mirror.
A large pickup truck had also just crested the hill behind me, and he was going way too fast!
I had only enough time to utter one sentence - and I remember it exactly,
"Oh my God, he won't have enough time to stop."
He didn't, and he slammed into the back of my sky blue Honda Accord, rearranging the trunk up to my driver's seat and sliding my car into the guy in front of me. All in a split second!
There were only seven words after I reflexively muttered, "Oh my God..."
That was the best I could do in the moment when I could easily have been taken from this earth.
I was thinking back to that moment after reading a gospel account this week.
Right before Jesus died, he offered up one last sentence of about seven words as well (at least in the english translation of aramaic). Instead of my crass OMG, he more appropriately address his "Father,"
""   Matthew 23:46
Seven words that blend humility, confidence in God's plan, and an awareness of the hereafter. 

Quick, you have exactly one moment to assess your life and your relationship with God...and about seven words to summarize or express yourself to God.  What would you say?

Don't wait to see one of life's "trucks" racing into your rear view mirror.  Have a more relaxed conversation with God today. Conversation with God is 'prayer.'  Its liberating and reassuring.
You can get some good starter ideas here:

What do you believe?