Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wrong Men's Room !
I'm a marketing consultant and I worked in the world headquarters of a Fortune 50 consumer products giant. There were rest rooms on opposite ends of the mezzanine floor in the plush HQ building. For some reason, the men's and women's rest room entrances were mirror images on opposite ends of the hallway. Men's on the right side at one end, but on the left side at the other end. Can you guess what happened?
On a particular morning when I urgently needed the facilities, I checked the door sign - Men's - and pressed ahead through two sets of doors to the well appointed rest room. Sinks and mirrors on the left, separated by a wall's-only facilities on the right. However, as you first stepped into the rest room and encountered the sink area, you couldn't see the rest of the facilities unless you peered around the separating wall.
Despite my hurry, I had to stop dead in my tracks.
There, leaning over the sink and peering into a mirror was an attractive young executive, applying her makeup. I had very little time to deliberate. Was I absolutely sure I'd read the sign correctly? I was. In fact, I'd almost mistakenly taken the wrong turn before, so I more purposely checked the doors now. I was in the right place.
"Er, excuse me, but I think you might be in the wrong facility?" I managed.
"Well," she said tersely, "one of us is." And kept on applying her makeup--unhesitantly assuming the mistaken party to be me.
It was true. One of us had to be wrong. There was no subjective reality here.
But with no additional time to argue, I proceeded to the other side of the wall.
A few seconds later, I heard the dainty click-tap of high heels step over to the wall, and then a shocked, "Oh!" followed by a rapid retreat of click-tap, click-taps rushing out the two doors.
I know that's a long way around the bend from spiritual matters--but there is a close parallel. When I share the Gospel with my friend, it's after having done lots of Bible study and prayer, based on a relationship with God through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. I already checked the sign on the door. It says, Truth.
What do you believe?
Handling Muggers
For us adults, it provided an object lesson in mercy and forgiveness--Jesus style. After the immediate health concerns of the attack appeared to be stabilizing, we turned our attention to discussing the perpetrators, still unaccounted for. Admittedly, there were (still are?) some protective and indignant suggestions concerning "what we'd like to do if we got our hands on those heartless thugs..."
And how satisfying it would be to give them a piece of our mind. At the very least, the thought of "prosecution to the full extent of the law..." should they be caught, was unanimously--and enthusiastically savored.
Up to that point, the line between "justified, righteous indignation" and "resentment and condemnation" was blurred--at best. Pretty natural under the circumstances. But then, realizing a sense of the supernatural--the Holy Spirit of God--we also started talking about the hearts and lives of the attackers.
No one made any excuses for them - their violent actions were categorically inexcusable. They aren't victims, our family member is the victim. But what could possibly lead someone to be that thoughtless, callous and cold? They left the scene before knowing whether their young victim was simply unconscious--or dead.
What do you do with a generation of young people who don't seem to care about the lives of those they hurt? Do you find ways to cut them off from civilized society, bury them in prisons, compartmentalize them in separate neighborhoods, track them with electronic hardware?
I only came up with one sure answer. And I got this from a guy who had plenty of reason to be indignant over the treatment he received from the bullies of his day. His name is Jesus, and he tells this parable:
Mat 13:24
"The kingdom of heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while his men slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went his way. When the wheat had sprung up and had produced fruit, then the weeds also appeared.
So the servants of the householder came and said to him, Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then where have the weeds come from?
He said to them, An enemy has done this. The servants said to him, Then do you want us to go and gather them up?
But he said, No, lest while you gather up the weeds you also root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest."
There were three attackers in the assault. Right now they are clearly weeds among the wheat. Or...might even one of the three still be reachable by the power of God's love? Is there a struggling grain of wheat that might get pulled out of the soil if we simply rip out, toss and burn handfuls of other weeds?
First, let's catch them, try them and get them in jail where they belong--that's fair justice for my family member. But let's also give prison ministries--volunteers who ask nothing of taxpayers except freedom of speech--access to these same clumps of weeds, on the chance that God can still rescue a few healthy grains of wheat. Wheat that could bear fruit back in our communities if the true Gospel takes hold in a repentant heart.
Today, after my prayer for healthy recovery and healing of our family - I also pray for the hearts of the offenders, that God will heal what is broken in them and lead them to the Light--through the love of Jesus, our Savior. Otherwise they may have a destiny no different than weeds headed for the trash heap.
And consider this--if we'd be allowed to share the Gospel more freely on this side of prison walls; in schools, at universities, maybe depicted more fairly in movies and TV shows...maybe we'd nip more weeds in the bud.
What do you believe?
Designer Gods
- "Well, that's not how I picture God...."
- "I don't think I could believe in a God who____"
- "If that's what God is, then I'm not so sure I want to..."
- "My idea of God is personal."
This 'putting the cart before the horse' approach to spirituality assumes that we define God. I'd like Him to be a little kinder here, more proactive there, miraculous, timely, responsive...or else.
Or else?
"Or I might just pick up my belief system and take it somewhere else. I can vote with my prayers you know."
That is the designer god mentality. I'll conceive of god in my own image - or find a pre-packaged spirituality that's close, and saves me the work.
Christianity is different. We believe God is. In fact, He calls himself, "I am." He's done His best to explain His nature to us--so that we can understand Him better, and enter into a relationship with Him. Not so we vote for Him.
God is not insecure. He loves you enough to be accessible and approachable. A supreme being doesn't have to do that. It's His option, not our design feature.
The prophet Isaiah recorded this insight from God:
Isa 44:6 So says the Lord, the King of Israel, and His redeemer Lord of Hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and besides Me there is no God.
Isa 44:24 So says the Lord, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, I am the Lord who makes all things; who stretches out the heavens alone; who spreads out the earth.
There are thousands of insights like this in the Bible -- ways to learn how God is. But you might also be pleasantly surprised by how much His Words speak of Love, forgiveness, mercy, Grace, abundant blessings and compassion--for us. The very people who keep trying to re-imagine him as we would have him be.
Rather than anguishing over how you would set out to 'design' the perfect God for your life (and for the rest of us to join with you...), try turning the tables to read the Bible and learn more about how you can meet God as He is - through His Son, Jesus - our Saviour.
What do you believe?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I prayed...therefore God exists?
But I'm learning that's not always the case when people say "I prayed to god that wouldn't happen," or "I offered up a prayer right then and there."
There's an interesting verse in the Bible's New Testament--Paul's letter to the Hebrews, Chapter 11:
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists..."
Randomly directed prayers to the universe--or even focused prayers directed with laser intensity to "my higher power"--aren't going to get anywhere, or accomplish anything, if we aren't ready to acknowledge and place faith in the existence of God.
Jesus had a conversation with a man after he healed him of blindness:
JN 9:35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
JN 9:36 "Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me so that I may believe in him."
JN 9:37 Jesus said, "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you."
JN 9:38 Then the man said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.
Then the man said...Lord, I believe.
What do you believe?!
- Have no other God's
- Make no idols or images of other gods - or bow before them
- Do not use God's name in vain [misuse it]
- Keep the Sabbath day Holy [observe it]
- Honor your mother and father
- Do not murder
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not lie
- Do not covet [long for] things that other people have that you don't
Would there be any outcry if we start casually cursing other prominent religious figures' names in our oaths?
Fill in the blank with a highly visible eastern or middle eastern religious name.... "Damn _______ ! "
No, I don't think that's appropriate either - so can we start taking God and his Son Jesus' names out of the scripted swearing and cursing lexicon of Hollywood and network TV?
Then maybe people who are not Bible believers could also speak up at restaurants and coffee shop conversations to say..."you might want to watch your language, you could offend someone who's spiritual diversity revere's the god you're casually cursing...."
Or substitute some other religious leader's name and check the reaction.
What do you believe?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Absolute Absolutes
Now, anything is fair game. If you disagree--even on obvious things like children thriving best with a mommy and a daddy--it's just a relative truth.
In fact...many people are absolutely convinced that there are NO absolute truths. None.
So I can't help but see humor in some of the more outrageous claims to diversity of thought, and a radio preacher put it nicely (paraphrasing his comments):
" a guy goes into the bank and writes a withdrawal slip for $5,000. The clerk says, 'well Mr. Smith, you have an account with us, but you only have $500.' Mr. Smith says, 'well, that may be your perspective of the truth, but in my truth, there's really $5,000--and that's what I expect you to give me.'"
So, is one of them "absolutely right?"
Jesus lived, died, rose again--not to condemn or capture anyone, but to free and release us all from abundant blessings now--and for eternity. I'm absolutely sure.
What do you believe?
Saturday, April 22, 2006
God's Love - Underestimated, underutilized?
But now, decades into my business career, I better appreciate just how many of the people I've worked with respond powerfully to the very essence of what God has to give--through me (a most assuredly imperfect vessel!).
Namely, they take keen notice of...humility, love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, mercy--shared in large, consistent doses. For a multitude of reasons we could debate--spiritually adopting God's interpersonal skills notably differentiates us in today's culture.
Just read the instruction manual in Galatians, Chapter 5:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
These features of Christianity don't seem to get much attention in the media today--there's more about our "fundamentalism" and extremism. But Jesus' message was extreme for his time and ours--and it was fundamentally about love, and sharing that love with our neighbor.
It's a good place to start if we want to tell everyone the rest of the Gospel when they're ready.
What do you believe?
Strategic Prayer
I wasn't on the internet, or working the phones...I was talking to God.
God doesn't intrinsically need or rely on my prayers. But we've been given powerful--supernatural access to His Grace and Wisdom. For whatever reasons God has...our prayers are heard, considered and answered. Outcomes are God's business, but petitioning His interaction is ours--so think big as well as small. The hurts of our own children are important, but so are the intricacies of global events and public policy. Direct your prayers wherever they can make a difference!
1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
1Th 5:18 In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
2Th 3:2 And pray that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for all do not have the faith.
Jam 5:16 Confess faults to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous one avails much.
What do you believe?
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Empty Cross
Some have crosses without a figure of Jesus at the front of the sanctuary, some with the crucified figure of Jesus, and some with nothing but multimedia screens or banners.
I've encountered bible study conversations where friends question the need/appropriateness of seeing Jesus on the cross--because it confuses the reality that he defeated death and rose again. (I'm sure there are even deeper theological debates that would go over my head.)
But on Good Friday 2006 I attended a church service with a huge (15 ft?) cross and statue of the crucified Saviour. In that beautifully crafted, larger than life piece of art, there was no mistaking the exquisite price Jesus paid for my sins. An empty cross wouldn't have diluted His gift to me, but the crucified Jesus didn't deny His resurrection either.
What do you believe?
Podcasting Preachers
I received an mp3 player for Christmas and I've been downloading radio preacher "podcasts" on a daily basis. is just one of the sites where you can fine good Christian audio.
Steve Brown (Key Life); David Moore; Allistair Begg; Greg Laurie all have free podcast subscriptions available (with donations accepted).
Even conservative talk show hosts like Laura Ingraham have commercial free versions of their daily shows.
So, whether I'm at the gym, working on the yard, or in my car, it's encouraging to listen to a sermon topic, Bible study or simply get a balanced perspective on world news.
If you're like me, you'd never be able to hear all this great content at the scheduled program times -- but download it to your computer or mp3 player, and you've got on-demand access to wonderful teaching.
What do you believe?
Designer Gods
"Well, I'm not sure I want to believe in a God who allows this to happen..."
as though God might try harder to earn their vote or approval. Or that God might disappear altogether if His poll numbers dropped sufficiently.
Isn't it more realistic to believe that if there really is a Supreme Being (God) who created the universe -- He doesn't need our opinion? The reverse is actually how I choose to look at it - what is it about God that I don't yet understand? Fortunately, there's His revealed and inspired writings for us to explore (The Holy Bible). And to help that effort, we can pray for insight and wisdom -- which God generously provides through his Holy Spirit. It helps to mix all this with the trusted fellowship of other Believers -- at church or in Bible studies.
It's one thing to question or doubt God in our frustration - He can handle it...but it's another to try and re-create God in our own image. When we say, "I'm sure God is really more like this...because I can't picture a God who would be like that..." then we're flirting with idolatry -- following a manufactured God, rather than the Living God.
Idols are anything we place above, or make more important than God -- even our expectations for how He should do His job. It takes humility to say, "Lord, your ways are above my ways."
What do you believe?
What Makes Your Worldview Christian?
I like to say to my friends..."I'm having trouble seeing your point, I've got this plank in my eye..." That's a reference to Jesus admonition that we should not try to remove the 'splinter' of disagreement from our neighbor's perspective when we might actually have an entire wood plank blocking our own vision of truth. Fair enough - we've got to hear and listen to what people have to say about today's challenging list of hot button topics. And we can't assume we have all the answers--individually.
Still, it's made easier for me when I think, "now I'm going to go and see what the Bible says about that--and what Jesus taught about that." Reading the news, discussing cultural topics with friends and colleagues...I'm doing my best to keep it all in perspective--in a biblical perspective. And I hope to follow those thoughts on this blog.
What do you believe?
Seder Meal - Passover
This year, two of our dear cousins invited us to join about 30 other people at a local hotel. It was a simple banquet hall set up with six large tables.
One couple, who had obviously led many Seder meals in the past, did a great job guiding everyone through the evening, complete with bitter herbs, matzo and songs - even prayers in Hebrew.
In addition to renewed insights of what Jesus and his disciples shared during that fateful passover before his death and resurrection, we enjoyed a nice time of fellowship with these believers of the messianic tradition.
A particular item struck me as they reviewed meanings of the original passover elements. The matzo, a yeastless flatbread, was said to commemorate the quick exit made by Moses and the Hebrews to escape their Egyptian captors. The bread cooked in it's flat form thanks to the hot sun--and because there was no time to let it rise beforehand. From a Christian perspective, the matzo also has lines across it - perhaps foreshadowing the stripes of lashes which would strike Jesus' back, and when you hold a piece of the flat bread up to the light, you notice the tiny holes...and remember how his hands and feet were pierced.
All in all, the Seder experience was a welcome addition to our Holy Week observance.
As they taught us to say following the seder, "next year in Jerusalem!"
What do you believe?
Friday, April 14, 2006
One perspective on "Respecting Life"
- You're my daughter and I love you, so if you were to die, or someone were to hurt you, I would be terribly upset and sad. Your mother and I would grieve any harm that came to you. We would do anything in our power to keep that from happening.
- I love you when you're inside our home, but if you go outside in the yard, I love you just as much. You're my daughter whether you're inside our house or on the other side of the door.
- When you were a very little baby, I also loved you very much--when you were in the crib, and when you were in my arms. If you start going back a day at a time, you eventually come to the day you were born. I loved you then.
- The last seconds, right before you were born, when you were on the other side of your mother's womb, I loved you. And you were still my daughter. And the day before that, and the day before that. Which day weren't you my daughter?
- There was never a moment after you were conceived that you weren't my daughter. Never a time that I loved you differently. And I would grieve any harm that came to you out in the yard, inside our home, at your birth, or in your mother's womb. Same daughter, same love.
What do you believe?
Evolution and faith in schools?
- Since we now know that evolution is a theory, but not a science (science can produce evidence, test for repeatability, and answer for conflicting evidence), evolution should simply be taught as a theory -- rather than an unchallengable truth. Scientists usually agree that theories should be taught as theories..
- Evolutionary theorists should also be identified by that title, and not as "scientists" in school literature. Why mislead teachers and children?
- Textbooks should be updated to remove the false evolutionary claims that have stacked up and been propogated for decades, despite evidence to the contrary (e.g. "Piltdown man," and "tails and gills during the early weeks of human gestation")
- Textbooks and curriculums should simply acknowledge that there is no true "evolutionary" path demonstrated for any animal, of any kind. Instead, simply explain the scientific evidence that there is a "sudden appearance" in the fossil record of complete, finished species - and no fossil evolutionary trail of how one "kind" mutated into another. Cats have always been cats; slugs, slugs; birds, birds; reptiles, reptiles, etc.
- Have the public debate acknowledge "irreducible complexity," that the "simple cell" is actually a high-tech factory of complexity; and that no molecular biologist today actually believes a cell could come into being by chance - without the equally complex building blocks of amino acids and proteins...which need cells to produce them. A scientist would ask, "how could you generate the first cell, if you need that cell to produce the components that combine to make it?"
- Why censor experts and textbooks that disagree with evolution? We don't censor magazines and internet sites in school libraries, and yet we censor intelligent arguments about evolution...
In the end, evolution in schools isn't really about what Christians think the Bible says about it - none of the problems with evolution that I noted above require belief in God - it just points out that evolution is faulty science (actually not really "science" at all, by definition).
Let's call evolution what it really is: theory - or better yet, faith...believing in something that you can't see or prove. At least in that, evolution has a lot in common with Christianity...
What do you believe?
How do Christians "accept Jesus?"
Try sharing it with someone, in 60 seconds or less.
(Just remember, PPRR. Plan, Problem, Remedy, Receive):
“God has a Plan for your life and He loves you unconditionally—without conditions. He offers you a relationship of peace, even in restless times, and an abundantly blessed life, now and for eternity. (See Romans 5:1)
But we humans have a Problem with that plan because of sin, as Adam introduced it to the world, and as we ourselves continue with it. Sin is anything we do that is unacceptable or displeasing to God, despite his great love for us. We all sin, in spite of our desire to do better. We are unable to eliminate or rise above sin on our own, thus we risk eternal separation from the benefits of a relationship with God. (See Romans 3:23)
Fortunately, God sent Jesus to demonstrate his perfect love and to take on himself all our sins. Jesus died on the cross in our place - a substitute for our sins - a redeemer and a Remedy for our problem. (See Romans 6:23)
All that's left to do is to accept and Receive Jesus in his rightful role - the Son of God who died and rose again for our sins. Turning from sin, believing in Jesus as the way, the truth and the life seals our eternal relationship with God. (See Romans 10:9)
"Lord God, I acknowledge that I do things to displease you--that I am a sinner, but I want to turn away from this way of life to follow you. I now welcome Jesus into my life, realizing that he is the Savior of the world, having died on the cross for my sins. Please bless and guide me now and for eternity, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen!
That’s the Good News!”
What do you believe?
Good Friday 2006
It's a spirited enactment of the passion by the junior high students, complete with soldiers, brown robed bystanders and a wooden cross.
They cleverly combine some contemporary music with participative prayers of the congregation - is it OK for me to say that I really enjoy this Good Friday service?
But the eyewitness accounts are the most moving element of the service. As the stations of the passion take place, the last supper, the betrayal, the scourging, the "eye witness" steps up to the podium to share their perspective on Jesus - Peter explains his remorse over denying Jesus, a soldier his anguish over seeing a just man suffer, a woman her awe over his inclusive love for all people...
One by one, these young people get into character and remind me - in riveting fashion - that there was a lot more going on that day 2,000 years ago. There were real people watching Jesus suffer - including those who hated him and those who loved him.
There was probably a confusing rush of emotions and fear in the hours before Jesus died on the cross. But when it was all said and done, each person had to determine in their own heart what it really meant, and what Jesus meant to them. Just another thief dying on the cross? Or the Son of God who came to redeem our sins? That's still something we have to decide for ourselves.
What do you believe?
Da Vinci Code's claim: "the facts are accurate...."
Check me on this, but here's what I understand the author states in the preface pages:
"All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate." Dan Brown
Now, so far, I've run into many articles, podcasts and books that state in excruciating detail why Dan's claim is...well, not a fact.
I have no problem with someone writing a fictional page turner about Jesus (...think Ann Rice...), but...why try to claim that your fictional book is based on proven fact when it's so obviously not? For that, I'm taking a pass on the book and movie.
What do you believe?
Holy Week on DVD ?
You can still find it on and at Barnes and Nobles.
I watch it every Lent/Easter season and every Christmas.
Whenever I read the gospel accounts, many of the images come alive as depictions from the film. It's well worth the $25 DVD version, or a library checkout.
I've also begun watching Mel Gibson's Passion as part of my Holy Week reminder that Jesus died a horribly brutal death in my place.
Our forgiveness was purchased at a high price and the reminders of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter are great opportunities to meditate on that in prayer and great thanksgiving -- it is the Good News!
By the way...I always thought that Jesus was crucified from noon to 3 pm -- "from the 6th to the 9th hour.." However, check out Mark 15:25.
Jesus was actually crucified at the 3rd hour, about 9 am - but darkness overcame the land from the 6th to the 9th hour. Check out the accounts in Matthew, Mark and Luke to see.
I'm grateful for what Jesus did to reconcile me to a full relationship with God.
What do you believe?
Other Worldview Topics?
and...what do you believe...?
Isn't a "Good and Moral" Jesus Enough?
But they prefer not to acknowledge him as truly the Son of God, God with us, God incarnate - or as having risen from the dead after dying on the cross for the remission of sins. definition, Christianity is truly different from every other religion and moral worldview. Christians believe that Jesus is the risen Son of God. Not only a great and gifted teacher, but One with God. Not as some would say that 'we are all god, or parts of god.' We believe that Jesus is God.
And, if one were to believe the good and moral teachings of Jesus, you would have to reconcile that he also said, "The Father and I are one." (John 10:30); and his many miracles, even raising people from the dead! These accompany his good moral teachings.
And Jesus allowed his followers to worship him.
"My lord and my God!" Thomas said to him. (John 20:28)
The bible goes on to say, that "in him dwelt the fullness of deity." (Collasians 2:9)
And as a closing thought to this post, the Bible teaches this:
"Everyone who denies the Son, neither has the Father." (1st John 2:23).
Of course, there's nothing wrong with other worldviews disagreeing with, or debating Christian beliefs--that's diversity. But believing that Jesus is the Son of God is the Spiritual diversity of Christianity. It's either true or it's not -- but there is no 'shared truth' in the middle ground.
What do you believe?
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Christianity is inclusive
1. "so think all other religions are wrong?"
2. " think you're somehow better than everyone else?"
Both miss the true inclusiveness of the Christian worldview.
First, everyone on the planet is welcome to believe in Jesus, the Son of God. No one is excluded or prevented. Every person of every worldview, religion or belief system is welcome at any time. And it's your free will to decide, there is no threat of harm or death if you do not believe.
If you choose not to believe in Jesus, you're still considered no better or worse than any other human being, including Christians -- However, Christian spiritual diversity teaches that your life would be better off believing--both in abundant blessings received here on earth, and in eternal life with God after you die. That's a free choice though, available until you die.
Answering the first question--does believing Christianity make other religions "wrong"? There's nothing wrong with comparing and debating our worldview beliefs. It's healthy. But it's disingenuous to try and reconcile every belief system as "the same truth."
If Jesus lived, died and rose again as we believe in the Bible--as the subtitute sacrifice for our sins--so that by God's Grace, we can have a relationship with God, now and for eternity, thanks to Jesus' free gift of atoning death--if that's true, then you can easily answer the question for other religions or belief systems:
- If you believe that a person "earns" their relationship with God now and qualifies for heaven based on living a "good life" then that is not the teaching of Christianity. It disagrees with Christian spiritual diversity.
- If you believe that Jesus was a "good, moral person" but did not die on the cross for our sins, and was not God incarnate, that is not the teaching of Christianity.
- If you believe there is no God, or that all is god, or all are god...that is not compatible with Christianity. It disagrees.
Answering question 2, None of these belief alternatives makes you better or worse than your Christian neighbor, since our sins are only forgiven by God because of Jesus--we are not sin-less, we are forgiven. But belief in Jesus and his teachings does tend to move people away from sin and towards what God would prefer them to do, as taught in the bible. Not because they are superior to others, but because the Holy Spirit of God leads to better ways, by Grace (by His free gift of love and blessings). And yet, even after believing in Jesus, we still sin - we're not suddenly perfect. But we are able to turn to God and ask forgiveness, in Jesus' name. (see 1st John 1:9)
Christians, by definition, do not judge others as "worse or inferior" because Jesus himself taught humility:
"Why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3
What do you believe?