Saturday, May 20, 2006!

We don't usually think of the 10 Commandments when we're listening to TV, movies or casual conversation at work. But how many times does someone say 'oh my God' or in combination with 'damn' or a more specific expletive of His Son's name without intending it for spiritual reverence--that's the definition of using it "in vain" - and going against God's specific third command. They go like this:

  1. Have no other God's
  2. Make no idols or images of other gods - or bow before them
  3. Do not use God's name in vain [misuse it]
  4. Keep the Sabbath day Holy [observe it]
  5. Honor your mother and father
  6. Do not murder
  7. Do not commit adultery
  8. Do not steal
  9. Do not lie
  10. Do not covet [long for] things that other people have that you don't
Few people in today's climate of diversity exhibit the sensitivity to exclude God's name from exploitation around those it offends -- namely the majority of people in the U.S. -- according to polls.
Would there be any outcry if we start casually cursing other prominent religious figures' names in our oaths?
Fill in the blank with a highly visible eastern or middle eastern religious name.... "Damn _______ ! "
No, I don't think that's appropriate either - so can we start taking God and his Son Jesus' names out of the scripted swearing and cursing lexicon of Hollywood and network TV?
Then maybe people who are not Bible believers could also speak up at restaurants and coffee shop conversations to say..."you might want to watch your language, you could offend someone who's spiritual diversity revere's the god you're casually cursing...."
Or substitute some other religious leader's name and check the reaction.

What do you believe?

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