One of my favorite games involves choosing a "trump" suit for each round.
Let's just say that you choose "hearts" as the trump suit. That means that any heart - from a two of hearts to a 10 of hearts - still outranks the highest card of any other suit. So a 2 of hearts could even take a king of clubs. The heart "trumps" the club, or spade, or diamond.
Well, we were all a little tired. And honestly, I don't think my wife really felt like playing.
But my daughter and her boyfriend weren't ready to give up, so we kept at it.
The trouble was, we kept forgetting what the "trump" suit was, since it changes every game.
Someone was always asking, "what's trump?" It was actually getting quite comical.
Towards the end, with the winning score hanging in the balance (boys against the girls), someone led with a King of clubs. The next person played the King of spades. Two high cards. For an unspoken moment, the same question formed on everyone's lips...
What's trump?
And then wouldn't you know it...the King of hearts. Three kings, but only one King of Kings.
One King trumps all.
You can debate the hierarchical merit of moral views or philosophies. Freedom, justice, tolerance, diversity, peace, discipline, compassion, order. Those and others you could add are all good and effective in the appropriate context and measure.
But Jesus' teachings stand out, even after millenniums of scrutiny:
Love, mercy, and forgiveness...which leads to eternal redemption, by grace.
King of kings, and Lord of lords.
What do you believe?
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