I just uncovered a jewel of San Jose, California.
One hundred or so of us were in town for a business meeting. We stayed right downtown on the square.
For two days we had meetings in a very nice Technology Museum complex, complete with IMAX theater.
There was also an Art Museum next to our hotel property, and I think people had a few meetings there this morning as well.
When the driver first delivered us from the airport on Monday, I could see a large, white rotunda about one block over. "What's that?" I asked.
"I think its part of the art museum," he said.
Hmm..looked like there were crosses at the top, but I couldn't be sure from that angle.
"Oh yeah, that's right," he said, 'it's some church." Ok.
A Google search from my room quickly revealed that the "church" was a basilica - a particularly special cathedral, first built in the 1700's..
Of all the things we did during our two day gathering - lunches in the Tech Museum, dinner at the winery on the mountain. Of everything I read in the hotel literature about nightlife, restaurants and local attractions. Nobody ever said, "...and make sure you don't miss the basilica."
We had people in our group visiting from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Sure, they've all got their centuries old Spiritual structures. But wouldn't someone encourage you to visit Notre Dame, Westminster Abby, The Blue Mosque or the Taj Mahal if you happened to be one block over on the square?
With our meetings over and my ride to the airport still 90 minutes away, I walked into the basilica for the 7:30 a.m. service this morning.
About 20 other people joined me under that huge dome I'd seen on Monday. It was no IMAX. No cushioned chairs, HD video or surround sound. Just an octagonal, wood altar. Huge, hand painted murals. Poignantly crafted sculptures. Gold leaf edging. Inspiration and revelation.
And we offered up - in unison, from memory - we twenty strangers spread out under all this priceless, God-glorifying art - prayers that had been first conceived 1700 years ago. Not from the 1700's, when this church was built. From the fourth century and earlier.
"Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Power and Might. Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory. Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Highest!"
Three simple objects on a minimalist, flat altar with no digital augmentation. Bread, wine and the Bible.
"I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
Humble words first spoken by the Centurion who asked Jesus to heal his slave. And we repeated them, we, once slaves to sin.
I really enjoyed our business meeting - the fellowship of my friends and sharing new ideas. But nothing I've done in business these past 30 years even compares to the power of 30 minutes in the presence of God at St. Joseph's basilica in San Jose. That 'church' on the other side of the art museum, just off the square. Tell your friends.
What do you believe?
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