A friend asked me what volunteer counselors do when all the people come forward at a Billy Graham evangelistic event.
After listening to the person's intentions and explaining the gospel, I said, we pray with the person.
Before departing they then have the option to complete a follow-up card. Later, other Billy Graham volunteers will match their name and locality to the closest church (even a denomination if they specify one). A church member will then contact the new believer and invite them to a service.
"Oh!" my friend exclaimed, "It's like a Spiritual 'lead.'"
We're both marketers, so I immediately knew what he meant.
When we send out information about our business services, or meet people at symposiums, we give them the opportunity to submit follow-up info. That way we can match the new inquirer with a local company contact for follow-up.
It's called a "lead," because there is still more to do. You have to contact the person, engage them, listen and build a relationship.
That's what churches are supposed to do whether the Billy Graham team is in town or not.
Christian discipleship doesn't stop with a profession of faith, it continues with learning and fellowship.
When Jesus met Andrew, he didn't have a nice conversation and then walk off.
He said, "Come, and you will see," and spent the day with him. John 1:39
A complete relationship with God doesn't occur in a single evening at church or an evangelist's meeting -- but it can Lead to it!
What do you believe?
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