I just attended a large trade show at Chicago's McCormick Place.
I saw this large, retangular white tent assembled outside the West Hall. Like they have at outdoor wedding receptions.
I wondered what special topic would draw people out into the chilly November weather?
Then later that day I saw a similar white tent assembled at the opposite end of the convention center.
What, in heaven's name...?
Trying in vain not to be too obvious, I stole a long look at the people jogging from the convention exit to the tent and back again. They didn't look too happy about braving the cold. Their determined expressions carried a hint of defeated resignation.
Then I got it, of course! Smokers!
Even at a convention with a heavy contingent of healthcare professionals, some percentage were still willing to make the walk of shame to an outside smoking tent. And back again.
(wait a second while someone helps me pluck this plank from my eye...)
I thought, wouldn't it be awkward if God had special tents placed outside where we all had to go and conduct our personal sins?
What if I had to make the walk of shame out to the "selfish tent" and then over to the "wasted talents" tent. Even worse if the "covet what others have" tent was all the way on the other side of my neighborhood.
Sheesh, I would be mortified for people to see how much time I was spending in tents!
True, I'll bet some people have finally quit rather than walk out to the designated smoking areas where they work or shop. Others probably just work around it and smoke when they can, maybe not as often.
Its like that with sins that displease God. Sometimes I know that no one is looking, so its easier to slip up.
I'm definitely on better behaviour when I think people might be paying attention to which of the tents I frequent most.
Ideally, I'd rather there be only one tent for convenience sake. Then I could more readily admit the truth about my sins and short comings right out in the open. Maybe commiserate with the other sinners and together we could help each other be more accountable to God's plan. And seek God's forgiveness.
We could call that shared tent a church.
That's what is meant to go on at church. Not to sin - but the acknowledgement that we're there because we sin. It's our sin addiction. It's the habit(s) that are so hard to break. Even with rules and consequences.
Jesus died for me because I inevitably end up wandering into tents where I have no business being.
I'm sure I have that in common with my friends and family in the big tent we call church.
Thank you Jesus for your mercy and Grace. That I am not made to stand in the cold November wind by myself as you shepherd me back from my shortcomings.
"Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands." 2Corinthians 5:1
What do you believe?
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