Saturday, June 30, 2012

Apple Closes Door to Heaven

Even all-powerful Apple corporation can't close the door to heaven.
Howver, they can - and did - close the door of access to everyone's Apple photo galleries.
As of today, June 30, 2012, I can no longer upload and share photos from my Apple computer unless I am connected to their new iCloud service.
They gave me plenty of notice. For at least six months they've been telling me to move my photos to the new platform...or there would be consequences.
There have been monthly email reminders - very kindly stated facts, not threats:
"Don't forget."
"Time is running out."
"Once the conversion is made to iCloud you will have no access to gallery photos."  etc.
Besides email, there have been ads and notices on their web site.
Bottom line, it would be very hard for me to claim that I did not understand the deadlline. I did.

And the instructions were simple to follow. Click here, acknowledge here.
It was even free if your software was up to date...identify yourself (your computer) and agree to proceed.
Still...I waited too long, the window of time closed, and not all my photos were migrated from my oldest Apple computer.  It is now forever separated from the Cloud because of incompatibility. I called the store experts and they agree, with compassion, that I cannot get to the iCloud with photos from that computer.  Ever.
Permanent separation.
I still have my computer. Still have my photo's and the memories they hold; but not the fellowship of sharing them with my loved ones and friends.  I exist and they exist.  But not together.
Why didn't Apple just design everything so I could keep my photo gallery and still have access to iCloud...if they're so smart?!  Doesn't matter now -- they're Apple and that's how they did it. They say its better this way and they gave me every opportunity to participate.

You see the analogy, right?
Jesus is coming.
Eternal fellowship with Him and all who believe on His Name - its free. Its a click away.
Be sorry for your sins and acknowledge that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life.
Have eternal access. Not separation.
Sure you can choose to be on your own for eternity - but do you want to be?
You can't deny that you've been told. Everybody has, all around the world. And the offer ends upon His return.  Doesn't matter if you would have designed the heaven-process differently, to your liking. This is how God is doing it, and He has said its best this Way.

I missed the Apple deadline, and its an inconvenience.
Don't you - or your family, or friends, or children, or spouse - miss the free gift of Grace and forgiveness. eternal.

What do you believe?

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