Every day of my life as a Christian should include prayers and actions related to evangelism.
The concept of evangelism needn't be off-putting, or seen as aggressive.
It's simply the "preaching of the Christian Gospel or the practice of relaying information about a particular set of beliefs to others with the object of conversion," according to Wikipedia.Jesus instructed us to:
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 20:19
Evangelism is non-denominational.
If I sincerely believe in the truth and value of Christian belief, I should "relay the information." Atheists and secular humanists do that all the time, and are often much more aggressive in their evangelism of beliefs. In short, I believe the message of Jesus' unconditional love is worth telling, just as they want people to believe there is no God. Every person reading this will eventually find out who was right.
For the past six years, I've blogged here about sharing my faith in everyday circumstances.
But honestly, I've been longing to do more purposeful evangelism. In fact, I've often prayed,
"Lord, please help me to encounter people with sincere curiosity about spiritual matters."
I love spiritual conversations, regardless of the outcome. I especially enjoy someone who has given serious thought to their spirituality, and is looking for comparative feedback and insight. Some people call them "seekers." I call them "open minded."
The Billy Graham organization has just opened the very door I had prayed for all these years.
Their new website, peacewithgod.net , has a very simple, clear explanation of the Gospel. And for sincere individuals, there is a chat feature to speak anonymously with members of the Billy Graham team and have their questions or concerns answered. I'm participating in training to become part of that online chat team, and I couldn't be more energized by this opportunity to enact Jesus' final instructions.
There is one particular scripture that the Billy Graham team has repeated throughout multiple training sessions I have attended over the years:
"But in your heart, revere Christ as Lord. Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." 1Peter 3:15
Evangelism with gentleness and respect. That's what the Bible calls for.
What do you believe?
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