Monday, April 01, 2013

Clear Varnish - Stained Colors

I finally got around to re-boxing our outdoor Nativity figures (its Easter weekend).
It's a bit of a chore to fit them back into the foam core packing, plus I wanted to first re-apply the weather protective varnish.

I made space in the basement, found a brush and opened up the gallon can of varnish.
It looked a little murky while I was stirring it, like muddy brown creek water. But it was the same can I used when I first bought the set a couple years ago, so it must be alright. It probably goes on murky and then clears up, I thought. Varnish is funny that way sometimes.

But no, by golly. I drew the first long brushstroke down Mary's shawl and dirty brown swirls made an immediate stained contrast to her beautiful off-white, original covering. Yikes!  It was going to look awful. What to do?

I frantically grabbed the nearest clean cloth I could find and began wiping off the liquid. To my great surprise, the varnish - and the color - came right off. None of it seeped permanently into the finish. The previous coat of varnish had done its job and made this clean up quick and manageable. I was so relieved!

Turns out that the brown stain had mixed in with varnish because I also used it to treat the wooden stable backdrop after the figures. I'd forgotten that part. It looked muddy brown this time around - because it was!

Lots of lessons compared here.
Once we acknowledge our belief in Jesus, we are covered - head to Soul - in the protection of the Holy Spirit.
"Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered."  Romans 4:7

We are sealed.
"...the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30

And sins wiped away,
"Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."  Acts 3:19

But if we do let ourselves get back into the mix of sin - even after seeing its obvious murky stain trying to blend in - God gives us a way to clean up, thanks to that protective covering we have:

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  1John 1:9    God does this for us, in the name of Jesus.

I was so relieved to see that dirty varnish wipe off the protected surface - like it hadn't even occurred.
I tell myself to be more vigilant next time, on the alert before letting sin come into contact with what God has already made righteous - but somehow there does always seem to be a "next time..."

What do you believe?

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