Saturday, May 04, 2013

Going to Surgery - How, What to Pray?

One of my neighbor friends was going to have a cardiac heart cath procedure done this week. That's where they check for coronary artery blockage and can choose to insert a stent to improve blood flow if  necessary.
He and I have a running dialog about God in the general sense, but I gather that he has not invited Jesus into his heart as Savior (although I'm not sure). I've enjoyed our ongoing neighborly friendship and we ride bikes together during the summer months. We talk about the gamut of life's topics - sports, family, yard work. But I've stopped short of inviting him to consider a prayer of salvation. I always figure that might happen at some future time when he's curious, which is fine with me.
So when we chatted on the sidewalk this week before his  procedure, things took a different perspective for me. Heart cath procedures are generally very safe (I work in the industry), but in the unlikely event that things go wrong, you may not see the person afterwards. So the immediacy of our conversation was not lost on me.
I won't share the specific conversation I had with my friend this week - but he's fine after the procedure, thank you Jesus.

For the next friend or family member, this situation did help me to boil down the essentials of salvation into two very simple phrases. I thought of these as the "walk-away" reminders for a friend or loved one with whom you've had conversations about God and His Son, but aren't sure you'll ever have another opportunity...
1. Tell God your sorry.
2. Tell Him you accept Jesus as your Savior.

"God, I'm sorry for my sins, and I accept Jesus as my Savior"

There's more to this conversation - realizing that God has always had a plan for our lives (Romans 5:1), and that we're saved because of His mercy, not our good deeds (Titus 3:4-5), and that Jesus chose to die for us on the cross, as a way to reconcile us with God (1Peter 2:21-25).

But if you're ever having to help someone who is facing the toughest moments of life:
Lost a job
Terribly sick
In danger

Tell God your sorry for your sins. Tell Him you accept Jesus as your Savior.

If there is the blessing of another minute or hour or years in your life after that, then find me on the sidewalk and I'll tell you the rest.   Or go to that church down the street and ask the pastor.  And believe.

What do you believe?

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