Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas explained via the Terminator Movies

I readily admit that I enjoy Arnold in the "Terminator" movie series and recently saw the latest edition, Terminator Genisys.

In these movies, a robot can transport to our present from the future - but the time machine only works with human tissue. So they cleverly grow human flesh around the "cyborg" and suddenly Arnold's robot is walking around amongst "regular" humans to remind them..."I'll be back."
Back in the 1st terminator movie, rational adults think its crazy for a witness to believe this could actually happen. A psychiatrist easily spots their delusion and says, "they've convinced themselves of the logic to the point it actually makes sense..."

The idea of another entity taking on human form for a time-space continuum leap into our presence caused a stir long before James Cameron brought Terminator to the screen.
Chris Rice wrote about it in his beautiful song, "Welcome to our World,"

"So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy

Perfect Son of God
Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world"

That is what Christmas is about.
God found the perfect way for us to get to know Him better - as approachable as the scruffy carpenter next door.  God in human form. Jesus, the Savior.

Let's all take the time to explain the simple beauty of God's plan - which can be challenging with a rational, educated 2015 audience.
A cyborg....maybe. But God?  Bring in the psychiatrist please!

Perfect Son of God...welcome to our world.

What do you believe?

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