Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Movie List 2011

The Nativity Story has moved up to number two on my favorite all-time Christmas Movie list, right after Cary Grant in "The Bishop's Wife."
This bumps Zefferelli's "Jesus of Nazareth" nativity down to number four, followed by
Christmas in Connecticut with Barbara Stanwyck
A Christmas Carol (Albert Finney version only, please)
White Christmas with Bing Crosby and
How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Ron Howard

Both "Miracle on 34th Street" versions are great - 1994 with Sir Richard Attenborough and 1947 with Edmund Gwenn and Natalie Wood.
But like "Its a Wonderful Life" I don't really need to watch them every year.

If you were counting, that leaves a gap for Movie #3.

A few years ago I noticed a 1945 "film short" added to the Christmas in Connecticut DVD.
"Star in the Night" is a 22 minute lesson in the true meaning of Christmas.
Set at a simple road side diner out west on Christmas Eve, you can' believe how much story telling gets done in less than a half hour.
It's worth buying the Barbara Stanwyck movie just to enjoy "Star in the Night."

Merry Christmas !

What do you believe?

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Make the Nativity Personal

After 30 Christmas's, my wife and I finally found a Nativity scene we'd like to have in our outdoor display.
Like most home projects, it quickly grew beyond the original scope. The figures had to be placed in a backdrop of course. The backdrop had to be weatherproofed. The figures themselves, sealed with varnish. Some monofiliment fishing line to hold everything in place (we live on a windy hill). And straw to fill in all the gaps.

Something I'd not counted on - how personal it got to work so closely with Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
I know, just painted, mass produced figures! But it took hours to prepare and paint and place. It slowed my Christmas rush down to a tempo where I could absorb some of their reality.

Stark, simple people with very little to protect them from the elements, and no assurance of what was to come.
Excepting their faith in God's promise.

Many years ago I wrote a song that we'll sing this year on Christmas Eve.
One verse finds the Innkeeper recalling this:

"They did not complain as they settled down,
I reached for the gate to go back to town.
But then - she took my hand, and I saw her eyes
They were calm and quiet, they were warm and wise.
The night stood still, and I felt her peace,
A feeling I wished would never cease..."

Maybe its silly and sentimental, but I felt a little of that as I finished working and started to head back into the house.
I wanted to stay with them a little longer. Keep watch. Bask in the grace and peace they'd have needed - the gift of God's love.

Anyway, that's that. They're out there in the cold rain now - those artificial figures, with nothing to protect them but a thin coat of varnish and some wet straw. And you know what?

I wish I could have done more.

It really is more than a just a holiday on the calendar....isn't it?

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Missing Link? Faith and Biblical Truth

With my engineering and marketing background, I'm intrigued by cause/effect relationships we see in every day life.
Sometimes you'll see an interesting article about the statistics or analysis of how one thing seems directly related to another.

For example, people living in sunny geographies tend to suffer less depression than those in consistently cloudy/overcast areas.

Other direct cause and effect relationships are more difficult to prove outright, so they are called "hypotheses" from the Greek origin for "proposition."

In that context, although some professionals hypothesize that eating dark chocolate might be healthy (deliver healthy antioxidants), the health benefit could be offset if you eat too much of it to the detriment of the sugar and calories.
A more complex hypothesis is that people with optimistic, positive attitudes tend to live healthier lives. You could debate/study whether they are optimistic because they are healthy, or healthy because they are optimistic, etc.

My hypothesis:
"The strength of a Christian's spiritual faith is in direct proportion to their belief in biblical truth."

Without statisical proof, I've based my proposition on many conversations with friends, family and strangers.
The trend I've seen is that stated faith can be shaken in anyone's life. Lose your job, get cancer, have financial trouble.
Some people steep their faith in prayer and worship, others in community support. There's no single best mix to strengthening and cultivating our faith.
My premise is that the strength of the faith we do have is at its strongest when rooted back in the scripture that God provides.
Biblical truth explains that God will not abandon us, will not tease or toy with us, and will always forgive a repentant, humble heart.
Faith that cannot follow its unraveled (or unraveling) thread back to scripture will struggle and perhaps founder. Not so when we can read, study and meditate on tangible solutions that God has literally placed in our hands.

"But not all accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, 'Lord, who has believed our message?' Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:16

The strength of a Christian's spiritual faith is in direct proportion to their belief in biblical truth.

What do you believe?

Friday, December 02, 2011

Sin Tents

I just attended a large trade show at Chicago's McCormick Place.
I saw this large, retangular white tent assembled outside the West Hall. Like they have at outdoor wedding receptions.
I wondered what special topic would draw people out into the chilly November weather?
Then later that day I saw a similar white tent assembled at the opposite end of the convention center.
What, in heaven's name...?
Trying in vain not to be too obvious, I stole a long look at the people jogging from the convention exit to the tent and back again. They didn't look too happy about braving the cold. Their determined expressions carried a hint of defeated resignation.
Then I got it, of course! Smokers!
Even at a convention with a heavy contingent of healthcare professionals, some percentage were still willing to make the walk of shame to an outside smoking tent. And back again.

(wait a second while someone helps me pluck this plank from my eye...)

I thought, wouldn't it be awkward if God had special tents placed outside where we all had to go and conduct our personal sins?
What if I had to make the walk of shame out to the "selfish tent" and then over to the "wasted talents" tent. Even worse if the "covet what others have" tent was all the way on the other side of my neighborhood.
Sheesh, I would be mortified for people to see how much time I was spending in tents!

True, I'll bet some people have finally quit rather than walk out to the designated smoking areas where they work or shop. Others probably just work around it and smoke when they can, maybe not as often.

Its like that with sins that displease God. Sometimes I know that no one is looking, so its easier to slip up.
I'm definitely on better behaviour when I think people might be paying attention to which of the tents I frequent most.
Ideally, I'd rather there be only one tent for convenience sake. Then I could more readily admit the truth about my sins and short comings right out in the open. Maybe commiserate with the other sinners and together we could help each other be more accountable to God's plan. And seek God's forgiveness.

We could call that shared tent a church.

That's what is meant to go on at church. Not to sin - but the acknowledgement that we're there because we sin. It's our sin addiction. It's the habit(s) that are so hard to break. Even with rules and consequences.
Jesus died for me because I inevitably end up wandering into tents where I have no business being.
I'm sure I have that in common with my friends and family in the big tent we call church.

Thank you Jesus for your mercy and Grace. That I am not made to stand in the cold November wind by myself as you shepherd me back from my shortcomings.

"Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands." 2Corinthians 5:1

What do you believe?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The fish are hitting! So I'm Leaving...

We were out on this remote Canadian lake and the fish were hitting!
I had just caught and released a 30 inch pike and my dad had one on his line.
We were totally focused on the moment and the exhilaration of success.
My daughter, on the other hand, was staring out at the dark clouds rolling in and she eventually convinced us to pull over to shore.
It wasn't easy for her to do. We had traveled16 hours and hauled gear across two portages to get there.
You do not give up on a run of fish like that!

Another time my dad and I had hiked up to a remote bass lake and discovered a small wooden skiff on shore.
We rowed off shore for a ways, and with darkness closing in and mosquitos devouring us, we were reeling in bass after bass. I can't remember which one of us finally convinced the other to head back to shore and find our way down the trail in the dark. But man, they were hitting!

"Jesus said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.'
Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down our nets.'
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simons partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, 'Don't be afraid, from now on you will be fishers of men.' So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.'" Luke 5:5-11

They left everything to follow him. Not only were the fish hitting, it meant a boost to their livelihood right when they needed it.
You could say, 'big deal, it was just some poor fisherman, nobody would do that in today's world.'

My son has a friend who just graduated from a well-known university with a very marketable degree. At a time when her peers are starting to haul in their nets with the anticipated career catch, she is leaving it all behind to follow Jesus. As a missionary, she'll live on a modest stipend, half a world away from her family with no perks. Her job is to tell people - from a different culture, whom she doesn't know - that the Good News of Jesus will bring them eternal life.
She's left everything, right when they were hitting.

For somebody like me, who couldn't even be dragged away from sport fishing when a dangerous storm was about to roll through, I can't imagine what it means to leave your nets when the unknown is nothing but service to the unseen Son of God.
But I'm thankful that this young woman and her friends are willing to do so. And I'll be praying for her from the safety of shore.

What do you believe?

Monday, November 14, 2011

How Sweet the Name of Jesus

With temps in the 50's, I decided to set up our outdoor Christmas lights yesterday.
I know! Still a week before Thanksgiving!
It was a nice excuse to be outside and really -- the weather can turn on a dime up here.
Better now than with frozen hands and arctic winds later!

One of our lighting traditions is to spell out the reason with one of those long, continuous tube lights.
Its flexible, about half an inch thick, and you can curve it into cursive script letters. Looks like red neon tube.
This isn't easy, mind you. The whole process probably looks comical to my neighbors across the street.

First I take one end of tube and anchor it to our front-yard trellis with a small tie wrap.
Then I painstakingly shape each letter, leaving a "space" of tube in between.
It's a challenge to spell the whole word, maintain the letter proportions across the trellis and not run out of red tube!
Since I had my face pressed up against the trellis to tinker with the tie wraps, I wondered how the overall effect appeared from the street.

One of the neighbors was out for a walk, so I called over to her, "how are the letters, can you make it out?""
"Oh sure!" she smiled, "It looks good!"

"But can you tell what it spells?" I asked again, still tugging suspiciously on the "e" and a curiously misshaped "s."

"It says, "Jesus,'" she smiled again and walked on.


I have to tell you. The name of "Jesus" sounded so good to me in the quiet autumn air.
Full, and sufficient. Like I'd heard the perfect prayer and there was nothing to add to it.
Like it was my favorite song and there was no need to play it again.

Jesus. How sweet the name...

"How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear!
It soothes her sorrows, heals her wounds,
And drives away her fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary, rest."

By John Newton, 1725 - 1807

What do you believe?

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Cancer Statistics Daunting but Overshadowed

I take cancer seriously.
Family members have passed away, and some currently struggle with the brutal disease and its heartbreaking impact.
We frequently have requests for prayer and support.

Thank goodness for research, medical advances and all the people who contribute to the cause.
It seems there is always a weekend run/walk event or other charity efforts to help. I gladly contribute and have walked along, too.

What surprised me this week was a statistic.

8 million deaths
40 million deaths

Cancer is reported as the leading cause of death in the world.
It takes an enormous toll. Some say one of three people will contract cancer in their lifetime.

But it is not actually the leading cause of death in the world.
Cancer is responsible for 8 million deaths per year.
Abortion is responsible for more than 40 million deaths per year, worldwide.

Cancer is the leading cause of non-elective death.
Abortion is the leading cause of elective death.

What struck me most when I compared the two is our collective drive throughout the world to defeat cancer.
We are all committed and compassionate about finding cures and treatments.
We gladly donate time and money to this worthy cause.
Every one of us wants to spare the lives of our friends and family.

If we could flip a switch tomorrrow and save 8 million lives, worldwide, from cancer death, woudn't we?
Absolutely - that's exactly what we're all researching, donating and walking and praying for.

What if you could flip a switch and save 5 times that many lives in a year?
40 million lives.
In a ten year span....that's the poplulation of the United States, or Japan, or Indonesia...

I believe we should speak candidly and openly about reversing the statistic that is reponsible for the most deaths worldwide.
Definitely pray, and even organize a walk or two.

What do you believe?

Tolerance for Christians in Iran?

In Iran, and other neighboring countries in the region, you cannot choose your spiritual beliefs, they've been chosen for you.
There is lots of talk about co-existence with the likes of Christianity and Judaism, but its just talk.
When the rubber hits the road and someone publically declares their free will differently, it can be met first with community intimidation, and through their court system with a death sentence:

Dateline Iran: Article by Jamie Dean of
"During a final day of hearings in an Iranian court on Wednesday, officials gave Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani a final ultimatum: Recant your Christian faith or face the possibility of execution. Nadarkhani refused to recant.
That sets up a grim prospect for the husband, father of two young children, and pastor of a 400-member congregation in the city of Rasht. The Iranian court could decide as early as this week whether to find the Christian guilty of apostasy and carry out a sentence of death by hanging."

We are quick to say that this is only happening among the "extremists." But similar court systems are being proposed for export to other parts of the world, including the USA. They are not benign, multi-cultural experiments. They are based on the same principles used to condemn Youcef Nadarkhani.
While we don't need to over-react or disrespect other people's views--it is ok to ask tough questions.

My question for today: What is at the core of these laws that can lead to Christian persecution in the hands of extremists?
What is at the core of our laws here where we do not imprison and execute people for free choice of spiritual beliefs?
At least in the short term, let's export the latter as opposed to importing the former.

Update on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011
U.S. State Department issued a statement condemning the conviction of Youcef Nadarkhani and calling for his release:
“Pastor Nadarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for all people. That the Iranian authorities would try to force him to renounce that faith violates the religious values they claim to defend, crosses all bounds of decency, and breaches Iran’s own international obligations.”

What do you believe?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Bike and the Oncoming Truck

As my bicycle coasted toward an intersection on a local country road, I looked both ways for oncoming traffic.
I was going to turn left onto the state highway from my side road.
When you're riding a road bike like mine, the bike shoes are "clipped in" to the pedals for maximum power. Its easy to unclip and put your foot on the pavement, but whenever possible you like to keep your momentum and safely roll through a low-traffic intersection.
I spotted an oncoming truck about 200 yards down the highway.
You've probably faced the same decision while merging your own car into traffic.

Does the speed of the oncoming truck afford me time to enter, or wait?
You are consciously and unconsciously weighing a multitude of data points.
Speed of the truck on this particular road?
My own traction and ability to accelerate?
Any surprise vehicles coming from the other direction?
Wait or proceed? Decide, or decide not to decide?

I rolled through, crossed the centerline and merged onto the paved shoulder with plenty of margin before the truck whooshed by.
Its mostly a matter of convenience when you're merging into traffic. We're in a hurry and don't want to be behind that truck.

What about the oncoming truck that is the end of times?
How fast is it going and how much time do you have to make eternal decisions, or wait at the intersection?

What are the data points we have for the speed at which our lives, or the world, are about to whoosh by?
Jesus said,
"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. But before this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you...this will result in your being witnesses to them..." from Luke 21: 10-18

The truth is, none of us can judge how fast its coming, not the day nor the hour, but the data points are ominous.
Before it does, get out in front with your faith - push the pedals, hit the accelerator.

"If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. As the Scripture says, 'anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.'" Romans 10:9-11

On August 20 - 21 I'll be at Rock the Lakes with the Billy Graham organization to share the gospel with anyone who has decided not to wait at the intersection.

What do you believe?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Rock the Lakes !

Rock the Lakes coming to Milwaukee in August.

Click here to link to Billy Graham web site, then scroll down page and you'll see a video clip for Rock the Lakes Milwaukee.

I pray that a wave of God's love and salvation will surge from the lake shore and cover our entire city, in Jesus' name, Amen.

What do you believe?

Monday, August 01, 2011

Who Can I Rely On ?

I was reading this missionary guy's account of the stressful conditions surrounding his work in Asia,

"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many."

This happened - that they might not rely on themselves, but on God.

Paul the Apostle wrote that two thousand years ago.
Paul said that God "has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us."

He wrote that in the present tense, that God "has" delivered (rescued) and "will" deliver (continue to) rescue.

WIth such a strong sense of God's immediacy and involvement, its no wonder that Paul said, "On him we have set our hope."
Recognizing the value of his entire community's confidence in God, Paul also encouraged his friends' ongoing Spiritual support..."as you help us by your prayers."

Paul and his friends faced hard, gritty times - scarce food, working multiple jobs, living in tents made by hand, paying taxes to governments rife with corruption and greed. Who says the Bible isn't relevant to our present day world?

"This happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us.
Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many."
2Corinthians 1:9-11

What do you believe?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cowboys, Aliens, Redemption

We went to see the new Cowboys & Aliens movie. It's a pretty good shoot-em-up film, with a few creatures from outer space tossed in for good measure.

Also in the mix is a "preacher" who isn't caricatured as weak or corrupt.
In one scene he is a Good Samaritan to a wounded stranger. Tending wounds with compassion and no questions asked.
In another quickly passing segment, one of the characters questions whether God will help him - taking into account his past sinful ways.

The preacher encourages the man by saying,
"God doesn't care about who you were...he cares about who you are..."

It's a rare moment of redemptive encouragement in today's Hollywood culture.
We believers know that there's an ever deeper level of spirituality left unsaid - we're all in need of a Savior to actually turn the corner of repentance.
The preacher's matter of fact confidence in God's mercy and forgiveness is a welcome topic for post-movie conversation with our friends and family. Whether lost or found.

"And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1Corinthians 6:11

It's not about who you were...its about who you come to be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of God.

What do you believe?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Integrity in an Alaskan Top Hat

There were no credit cards involved. No pre-paid cruise ship vouchers.
When we stepped ashore in Skagway, Alaska, we simply looked for the gentleman in a stove pipe top hat.
Dyea Dave was waiting at the end of the dock. He soon dispatched us with one of his staff drivers to pick up our rail passes and head toward the White Pass mountain depot in a shuttle bus.
We had hoped to actually make the drive with Dave himself, but his driver gave us an adequate narration of the various mountain passes and wildlife sitings.
The only glitch occurred as we departed the shuttle two hours later at Canadian Customs.
Dave's bus driver quoted a higher fee - almost double - than we had discussed two months earlier with Dave.
We were in a quandary. There was no official quote, we'd found Dave directly from his web site phone number. He'd suggested we transact on the actual travel day because bad weather might force us to cancel. To his credit, we wouldn't be out the ticket price if we decided not to go. Now, as we hurried to catch the train, Dave wasn't there, we didn't have cell phone coverage, and the Custom's agent looked a bit impatient. We paid the higher fee.
A few hours later, back down the mountain in Skagway, I called Dyea Dave's cell phone and explained the situation. Had we misunderstood the fee?
"That's not right, she made a mistake, where are you now?" Dave asked, with sincere concern. "I'm driving right over."
Within the hour, Dave had refunded our overpayment and given us a personal drive through town complete with apology.
He could have chalked it up to "miscommunication" or "increases in fuel prices."
Instead, Dave simply referred back to our original conversation and his commitment to service. There was no question of the outcome.

Jesus said,
"Simply let your 'yes be yes,' and your 'no,' 'no.'" Matthew 5:37

You don't need a pre-paid voucher with integrity like that.

What do you believe?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Searching for Jesus ?

The Billy Graham ministry has hit a home run with their new evangelism site:

The videos and simple question/answer format are short and to the point - perfect for people using the internet.

I'm going to volunteer to support this!
What better way to use the internet than to affirm God's love for all people, to the ends of the earth.

What do you believe?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spiritual Leads

A friend asked me what volunteer counselors do when all the people come forward at a Billy Graham evangelistic event.
After listening to the person's intentions and explaining the gospel, I said, we pray with the person.
Before departing they then have the option to complete a follow-up card. Later, other Billy Graham volunteers will match their name and locality to the closest church (even a denomination if they specify one). A church member will then contact the new believer and invite them to a service.
"Oh!" my friend exclaimed, "It's like a Spiritual 'lead.'"

We're both marketers, so I immediately knew what he meant.
When we send out information about our business services, or meet people at symposiums, we give them the opportunity to submit follow-up info. That way we can match the new inquirer with a local company contact for follow-up.
It's called a "lead," because there is still more to do. You have to contact the person, engage them, listen and build a relationship.

That's what churches are supposed to do whether the Billy Graham team is in town or not.
Christian discipleship doesn't stop with a profession of faith, it continues with learning and fellowship.

When Jesus met Andrew, he didn't have a nice conversation and then walk off.
He said, "Come, and you will see," and spent the day with him. John 1:39

A complete relationship with God doesn't occur in a single evening at church or an evangelist's meeting -- but it can Lead to it!

What do you believe?

News of Jesus Returning

Is Jesus coming back?

There are lots of headlines and predictions about Jesus returning this weekend.
I remember a similar news cycle surrounding a little book entitled,
"88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return in 1988"
That author quickly transitioned to false-prophet status on New Years Day, 1989.

Missing from the jokes and bemused perspective of "those wacky Christians" are a few more timeless questions, like:
Does it matter whether or not Jesus does come back?
Did Jesus happen to weigh in on the subject?

Personally, I'm glad to welcome His return. The apostle Paul said,
"In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness." 2Peter 3:13

Jesus said,
"I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21 1-4
Jesus gives you additional details of his return in Matthew, Chapter 24; Mark, Chapter 13 and Luke, Chapter 21.

God has graciously provided thousands of years for anyone of their own free will to accept him.
Every day that goes by is one more opportunity to tell someone else the good news of His love.
Whether this weekend or 100 weekends from now - the lead story of every article could be: "God provided one more day of reconciliation in advance of Jesus return."

Paul said this:
"As I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ....but our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.." Philippians 3:18-21

What do you believe?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Billy Graham Training

The Billy Graham team is holding training sessions for volunteer counselors in my town.
We're all preparing for the "Rock the Lakes" festival in August.

This is the second time I've attended the training, having volunteered at the mega-four day Cincinnati event in 2002.
Billy and his son Franklin actually broke attendance records for the new football stadium that year!

But the Billy Graham approach isn't about big numbers. They stress humility, gentleness and respect. And they start at the very basic elements of Christianity.
"Why believe?"

Here's how the training class prepares us with a simple acronym, PPRR.

God has a plan for your life, of love and peace.
"We have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1
"I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly" John 10:10

But we are initially separated from God's intended relationship by sin - things we do that displease God.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

In His Love for us, God himself provides the solution to our problem.
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
This is the beauty of Christianity, God is waiting for our humility, not our perfection.
"For we are saved by Grace, through faith - and this is not of yourselves, not by works, lest anyone boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

Saying yes to Jesus is saying yes to God's plan for our eternal relationship with him.
"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to be children of God." John 1:12
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

This is the boldest statement of all for Christianity - you never have to wonder about life after death.
Jesus defeated death for all who believe - we can know we have eternal life in Christ.

I am so looking forward to the opportunity to share this good news with my neighbors at Rock the Lakes.
And with anyone else who asks the reason for my hope in God's plan.

What do you believe?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Bible Brothers

I challenged our family to read through the Bible's New Testament by the end of June this year.
(I'm about halfway as of this writing, have to kick it in gear!)

There was just enough time to breeze through Philemon while my plane taxied to the airport terminal last week.
Part of the Apostle Paul's introduction caught my eye and brought out the yellow highlighter pen:

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because i hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, my brother have refreshed the hearts of the saints."
From Paul's letter to Philemon

I have been so fortunate to stay in touch with a great network of brothers (and sisters) these past 25 years.
These are the Bible study pals from church who show up without fail every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m..
They are the guys from another state and our previous home, who still get together for annual camping trips when we can.
It's the three new colleagues at work who have been joining together before work or over lunch for fellowship and scripture reading.
And the many, many people I've only known for a brief season of prayer & praise - a neighbor, a co-worker, a musician, a fellow traveler.

I hear and see their faith in the Lord Jesus. More importantly, I experience their faith as encouragement, with great joy.
It is because these brothers in Christ, whether I've known them 25 years or 25 months, are active in their faith - making it real - and thereby refreshing the heart of this Believer.

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers.

What do you believe?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Now I Have Told You

Mary and Mary Magdalene went to Jesus' tomb on the third day and an angel appeared to them. He showed them the empty tomb.

"Go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.'
Now I have told you." Matthew 28: 7

This is one of those sections of the bible that I have read more times than I can count. But I don't recall that last line of the angel's ever hitting me like it did this Holy Week..

The angel said: "Now I have told you."

You know the rest of the story. The two women bravely returned to the skeptical disciples and confirmed that Jesus had risen.
No one forced them to do that.
Matthew's text explains that they were "afraid yet filled with joy" as they ran to tell the others. They ran.

The angel explained what they should do, but he didn't coerce them in any fashion. There was no hint of "tell them, or else...."
He just said, "Now I have told you" and they took it from there.

I'm not doing enough to tell the people around me that Jesus has risen. And I certainly don't run to get it done.
Why are we not showing any sense of urgency to let people know this fabulous news:

Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He rose again and defeated death.
You can repent and believe in Jesus, and so defeat death for all eternity.
You will receive abundant blessings and a deep sense of peace as you follow Jesus (life won't be perfect, but it will hold together a whole lot better with Jesus!).
It doesn't cost you a thing.

"Now I have told you."

What do you believe?

Billy Graham - Rock the Lakes

Franklin Graham visited Milwaukee last week to kick off preparation for Rock the Lakes.

This is a great opportunity to see and share God's love in a wonderful outdoor setting.
Dates are August 20-21 in Veteran's Park.

Visit to learn more.

Or call 877 907 9111 for details.

I last volunteered for a Billy Graham crusade in Cincinnati in 2001 or so.
The entire process of preparation and participation was a great joy.
I encourage you to attend and bring friends and family.

What do you believe?

Then We Will Believe in God

My wife and I attended Palm Sunday services at a church across town.
It was so beautiful. Floor to rafter glass walls and lots of Light!

They read a very interesting section of Matthew's Gospel, the crucifixion of Jesus.

"Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their head and saying, 'you who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself!
Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God!
Let him come down now from the cross and we will believe in him." from Matthew 27: 39-42

I listened to the those words and smiled at the irony!

If God will do it my way - then I will believe.
"If he comes down from the cross then we will believe."

In effect, they were saying, 'stop what you are doing (humbly redeeming the world of sin) and fulfill our expectations for a 'god.'

This same impertinence is what I hear over and over and over again in our own time.
People think nothing of establishing their own limits or qualifications for an acceptable god (idol).

It's upside down. The question they - and we - should have asked was,
"How may we repent and come to know God and His plan for our lives?"
Not, 'how may we shape a god who accommodates our lives as we choose to live them.'

I asked, and then found God's answers in the rest of Matthew's gospel...

What do you believe?

Who Crucified Jesus ?

You did.

Who crucified Jesus?

I did.

Authorities sent Jesus to the cross for being a rebel.
He preached forgiveness and mercy - a liberating mix of redemption and grace that autocratic leaders still find threatening today.

He was sent to the cross for being a rebel.
But he endured the cross so our sins could be forgiven.

There is no need for redemption if there is no sin.

"For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross." Coloassians 1:19

Who crucified Jesus...what do you believe?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Church Relic - Spine of Christ ?

I spent this past week in Versailles, just outside Paris.
We took an evening dinner cruise on the Seine and a friend pointed out historical landmarks including the Louvre, Notre Dame and of course the Eifle tower.

In the course of her narrative she mentioned a few lesser known churches. One in particular, she observed, even had a famous relic retrieved by an earlier French King. As she recalled, it was the "spine of Christ."

My natural inclination was to continue listening to her kind descriptions. Afterall, there are countless relics in churches all over the world. Who knows which fragments are real and which are not. Even a local Basilica near our home has what they claim to be a piece of the One True Cross. Anyway, it was not an evening for debate, but of fellowship and beautiful Parisian views.

When I returned home, I recapped the week's events for my family and included reference to the "spine of Christ" relic.
My daughter immediately said, "Oops, that's not right."
In the instant she said that, I finally made the same connection and thought, "Oh my. Jesus' resurrected body left behind no bones of any kind, let alone his spine!"

What an opportunity for evangelism I had missed! How simple to have asked my host, "Are you sure they meant the spine of Christ? That would be at odds with the Christian belief that he arose from the dead." There were hundreds of ways I could have said that. I was thinking like a tourist, not a Believer. (Happily, my daughter is more on the ball than I am !)

A quick online search revealed several mentions of "spine" and "Christ" in Paris. But they refer to the crown of thorns. Evidently the connecting fragments to the thorns are called "the spine." Somehow my friend must have mixed what she heard about churches, relics and Christ, to misunderstand the "spine of Christ's thorns" to be "the spine of Christ." It is now my turn to respond back to her and ask if that is indeed the case. There is still an opportunity for the Gospel to be shared.

Matthew 27:29
"They wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on his head, and they placed a reed stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery and taunted, "Hail! King of the Jews!""

What do you believe?

Praying for friends in Japan

Please pray for the people of Japan; for safety, recovery, comfort, reassurance and hope.

We have friends there and you may as well. It must seem an impossible situation to overcome.

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

What do you believe?

Let's Pray

We have a simple way of starting prayer at our house.

Someone says, "let's pray." (One of the pastors at our church used to say, "Okie dokie, let's pray," but that's another story.)
It doesn't take a whole lot of commotion to get started. You need have nothing fancy to say. Whatever comes from the heart - and Holy Spirit - after "let's pray," is enough for God to work with. We end by saying, " Jesus' name, Amen."
"Please watch over our gathering.
Please bring our daughter and son safely home from their travels.
Please guide our decision in this matter." In Jesus' name, Amen.

I've been through a particularly pressure-filled time at work lately. In one of my meetings last week I dearly wanted to start by saying, "let's pray," because I truly felt inadequate to the task at hand on my own. I didn't say it, of course. It would have been inappropriate in the work setting and I have no quarrels with that. But political correctness is also censoring religious free speech and thought in my non-work, public settings - in the formerly free United States. Activists proactively block us from praying "in Jesus name" at public events.

My own job stress will pass. There are much worse pressure-filled situations throughout the world today. Dangerous, shooting the civilian population-type situations. Overthrowing the government situations. Elected officials refusing to participate in established democratic processes of the republic-type situations. Even the stress of heartbreaking natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamais.

But coincident with many of these dangerous places where people are firing on their constituents, they have also dictated that submission to one particular prophet is law - and it is literally life threatening to pray "in Jesus' name." They burn churches, and murder converts. That goes way beyond the simmering decorum of our USA secular political correctness.

A word of caution though, both ideologies are aggressively intent on eliminating the same practice. What prevents one from becoming more like the other?

Let's pray.

What do you believe?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Meet Together with God

About 3 or 4 Sundays every year, my wife and I head to the lake with our Bibles and drink coffee while we sit by the shore and read.
I admit it - we're skipping church.
We're the first to agree that this is not what God intended - although not just because of what the 4th Commandment says.

In the letter to the Hebrews, the New Testament writer reminds the early church:

Hebrews, Chapter 10
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Note to self from that passage: Do not give up meeting together (as some are in the habit of doing).
Good passage to mention when friends decline your invitation to church ("I don't really go for organized religion - I have my own way of doing that....")

I heard a radio preacher read that verse from a Bible that translated "not giving up meetng together" as "do not forsake the community..."

And Paul looked to the church community for example:
1Timothy 3:15
"if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth."

We don't need to choose a particular denomination for our friends, but we should encourage each other to join and participate in the community of Believers. We're stronger together !

What do you believe?

Packers, Superbowl, Rodgers and Jesus

Nice article about Superbowl Champion and Greenbay Packer, Aaron Rodgers - written by Mark Darnall & Bruce Darnall on Athletes for Action website.

An excerpt here:

(by Mark Darnall & Bruce Darnall)
"Rodgers looks to his father as a model—one who exemplifies humility, integrity and honoring his elders. “I use that model as I relate to my friends and family, my teammates and coaches,” Rodgers says. “I want them to see that I really love and care for them as individuals. I try to build relationships. I feel if you are not personally invested in the people you spend every day with, then you are missing out on building a relationship and wonderful life experiences. That is what I like about Jesus: Jesus is about relationships.”
A verse that is special to him is John 10:10: “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.” Rodgers summarizes, “The Lord is my Rock. He has always been there, always present at good times and bad; and to me when I feel His presence, my life is full.”

What do you believe?

I feel guilty about your guilt

A friend and I had a healthy debate about how to share the gospel with a young adult we know.
I thought it fine to convey a sense of urgency, because we never know what tomorrow brings. My friend thought we should plant seeds but wait longer to talk about a personal commitment. In the end, my friend did proceed to meet the young adult and explain personal salvation, but felt my comments had "guilted" her into it, rather than encouraging her to seek God's timing.

I did second guess myself about being overly aggressive, but still felt there's never a bad time to explain the Gospel. And my friend second guessed herself because she realized she could have spoken up about the gospel more often, before I ever mentioned it. We both acknowledged our flaws in this - and give God the Glory for whatever He accomplishes amidst our imperfection!

In true e-fashion, we "texted" parts of our conversation on this, while the apostle Paul wrote about a similar experience to his friends on parchment. It sounds familiar!

2 Corinthians Chapter 7 verses 8-10
"Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death."

What do you believe?